The Defiants

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Once again they all raced in the Horn of Libris. The Horn was no longer up for grabs because everyone thought it was locked away in precinct but really she had it. Everyone still raced seriously because of the Academy. As Firestorm Magged her she Mag Jumped to hit the goal.

Once the gate came down Firestorm raced past Moordryd, Cain and Decepshun due to Ember's urging. Glancing she saw Wulph was out of the race due to Moordryd knocking him out of the competition. "Things are really heating up !" Ember shouted as she maneuvered her dragon to the next level of the track.


Decepshun and Beau's rider's were recklessly using Mag Claw moves. Behind them the track was being reduced to rubble. "Aella ! The goal !" Ember shouted as the next target came to view. At once she Magged her rider to get them out of this mess.

Up another level of the track she swerved to avoid a Mag Blast from below as part of the track was sent down. "Do those two ever stop ?" Ember complained while heading her to the next entrance to the upper level. Going up she headed for the next turn when their was a loud noise she had never heard before.

As a wall came up she swerved to a stop with her claws digging into the track. "What's going on ?" Aella asked. In the end she was led off the track and the human, Sentrus went on about Mag Claw moves.


At the threat of the Race Season being cut off Phistus called a Meeting. As bickering came up between Khatah and Moordryd did she decide to voice her thoughts.  "Enough ! You all fight amongst you'reselves ! We must work together or risk another war !" She warned but she felt her words fell on deaf ears.

Once again they raced on another track. Firestorm and Scorch took the lead while the other's were way behind them. Once again that sound raged and Sentrus once again paced in front of them. The race season was cancelled and since Moordryd Paynn had the leading points he would be going to the Academy. "No," Artha whispered.

Once again the Council was called and like usual the Dragon City natives argued. "Like I said I did not start it !" Moordryd stated getting Khatah to argue with him. Sighing she tuned  the Council out as Ember commented,"Close bunch aren't they ?"

"That's for sure," She agreed. When Artha Penn and Kitt Wonn came in did he speak to all leaders. "How does he know were the council is ?" Ember asked sounding cross. He apologized for his actions on the track but came up with a solution.

A race for speed, maneuvering and no fighting. "Sounds like fun. We are in !" She declared with her Crew nodding with her announcement. It did not take long for everyone to join in save for the Dragon Eye's leader. "Very well, I agree," Moordryd said and cue the cheering.

Smirking she glanced at the Stable Boy and commented,"Not bad for a Rookie."


With a grin she maneuvered Scorch as they flew with the other racers. Below people panicked as Racing was illegal. Moordryd was ahead of them but not for long, She thought as she activated the Thrusters with Aella thinking the same thing.

3rd pov

They sensed Armageddon and Drakkus way below them. With a grin the Shadow Rider thought of the pain the fool Drakkus was going to feel when challenging Armageddon, they knew Drakkus was really Word Paynn but still that was going to be fun, the old fool was no match for that ancient warrior.


His and Firestorm's rider had them go back when they heard the loud explosion were Orange Smoke created a wall. Skidding to a stop he let out a roar to get the Red dragons to calm down but all they and their rider's wanted was to fight.

"Stop !" Ember shouted as they all fought. As Beau reached them did all their rider's try to reach the brawling racers. Both dragons and rider's eyes glowed red as they circled them. Letting out a growl he backed away next to the only sane dragons left.

Firestorm stood her ground as she tried to gain control over the others. Following Firestorm he let out his own melody-like roar. While the dragons did not attack the riders did forcing Blocking Staff's to be used. "Phistus, stop this," Firestorm's rider instructed as she held her ground to the bull-like human.


Once the other's came to their senses did her rider turn her around. Rearing she took the lead with Scorch fighting for it. She made full use of her four legs and Aella released the dragon. Going 200 MPH a barrier formed around her as she took the lead. "Great job girl," Her rider enthusiastically praised.

When the turn was coming up did she slow down, leaping on the sides of the buildings she then straightened out as she jumped off to land on a building then jump onto another. As they raced in a distance the humans noticed them racing. 

Flashing past the fans cheers were erupted as they raced each other.  "All City Race !" The fans cheered as the track straightened. As the track curved did they all jump off and the humans activated White Rappel gear as they swung. Once far enough the Rappel was deactivated for favor of White Aeor gear.

They spinned as they soared through the air earning more awed cheers. Setteling down on the track they passed the finish line with everyone cheering. Grinning she looked back at her smiling rider who affectionally patted her neck.

After the All City Racing was restored did she and Scorch walked back to the Compound slowly. 

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