Frozen Waters

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3rd pov

The glowing red eyes showed disinterest as the young Dragon Booster chased Moordryd Paynn and his second. Even when a Vid Screen was Mag Blasted, sending it tumbling down Beau just jumped over it with ease. Disrupter Blast were thrown but still the young hero's followed only to be caught by Green Trapping gear.

Looking back to the young Paynn they both saw the skilled rider skid his dragon to a stop when the leader of the Dragon Fish Crew Marianis and one of her crew members waited in the middle of the street.

After watching the two against one, Moordryd's second ran at first sight of a fight. In the end another Disrupter was tossed and as the smoke covered everything the young Paynn made his escape without the stolen Red Magma-class dragon.

Her dragon stayed in place meaning something interesting might happen. A Coral Stun gear, from the strength of the draconium it had to be ancient. "Showing something from the war out in the open is not a wise choice," She said from her spot. That gear could freeze any draconium, any. They had come across it during the war.

Looking at her dragon she saw that she was looking at a far away building. "Ah so there are watching eyes, good girl," She praised her silent dragon. There was something else up there, ancient black draconium, they knew this person. "So he did escape," She said stonily.


"That is very very dangerous," Parm blabbed with the still charged Coral Stun gear that was used during the war. "Ah, how dangerous ?" Kitt asked uneasily.  "Oh extremely, and look ! It still holds a charge from the last dragon that magged it. Amazing, a charge from 3,000 years ago," Parm blabbed enthusiastically before he realized the danger.

"Parm, step away from the gear," Lance cautioned. She almost laughed as she backed her dragon away deeper into the dragon's mouth opening. The gear ended up hitting Artha/Dragon Booster.

"Oh dear, what have I done ?" Parm worried. "You deactivated him professor," Kitt answered. Taking pity on them she signalled Firestorm to roar loudly before jumping over the whole that once had a path.

Looking at the frozen Dragon Booster she then took off her helmet. "Don't worry, it will wear off," She said surprising them. "The Leader of the Royal Dragons, how is it possible you knew and found this place ?" Parm blabbed. "Really, that's what you're asking ?" She asked disappointed.

Really he was more concerned how she knew Artha's secret and how to find a ancient place were Dragon Priest knew about."Well later," She stated before urging her dragon to take the elevator with everyone staring. "Oh and you should never play with ancient gear meant for war !" She pointed out.

Shadow Rider

"Beau ! No !" The frozen Dragon Booster screamed as he was magged and was used to hit the other riders from the Dragon Eyes. "Children should never play with gear meant for war," She groaned as the Coral Stun gear was spotted on the Dragon of Legend. Besides Moordryd Paynn having the gear she saw something that was very familiar.

The Amulet of the Shadow Booster. She knew it very well since she had know the Shadow Booster very well. They both did. Her dragon let out a low growl and looked at her reaction. "Well we won't be bored soon," She said trying to hide her sorrow for her well missed friend.

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