The Stand

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Cold rain drops splashed on her bare scales. Giving a snort she directed the other riderless dragons to follow her further away from the Royal Dragon Compound. Stopping she tensed to a new sound, understanding the meaning of rapid pounding dragon paw steps she reared and roared for them to stop.

Obeying without a thought the new dragons stopped. Letting out a melody-like roar she then took off with Scorch and Maleficeint right behind her and the new dragons right behind them. Running inside the entrance she stopped and let out a loud roar for the humans to hear and come.

Aella and other human crew members ran to meet them. At once the new dragons were led to stalls were they would be cared for since they were new Crew Members of the Royal Dragon. "Still finding strays girl," Aella said as she led her to her stall. The stall was pristine clean and food and water were all ready there.

Giving a soft snort she walked inside her warm and cozy stall.


"Easy there Burn," Ember spoke softly to her new dragon. Ember had taken a liking to the stray Red and Blue Bi-pedal dragon that their dragons had picked up. Burn let out a roar and jerked sideways making his new rider Ember almost fall off the saddle. "Calm down boy," The experienced Red Magma-class dragon rider said.

Ember's family raised and raced Red Magma-class dragons. Fast, harsh and ready to attack but also form bonds of loyalty quick, those were their qualities. Right now through Burn was only doing those three first things, She thought as Burn tossed his head around.

Sighing she prompted Firestorm to were the Level 3 Race they would be racing, more Draco's and points.


It did not take her long to get infront, all the other dragons were to eager to fight with each other to make a challenge for them on the track. As the riders tried to get control she raced ahead to the finish line.


She had Burn Mag the Level 6 Red Thrusters and Red side Venting gear, White Aero Gear, Blue Turning gear and level 4 Green Ramming gear. At the start Burn fell behind the others which was that arrogant Artha Penn who had been going on about his new gear that his Sponsor gave him.

As his dragon rammed against another's White Aero Gear did she activate her Green Draconium Gear and smashed the wing of the White Aero Gear. As Artha's dragon fell she activated her Red Side Vent gear for a quick burst of speed to pass the other racer on the Bi-pedal dragon. 

 She shut off the Side Vents and activated the Red Thrusters for the oncoming jump. They blazed past another racer as she activated the White Aero Gear, with the gear's white wings they flew. Aiming down Burn landed back on the track, in 3rd place they won and Artha Penn 1st place.

"What !" She roared. She lost to some new racer who easily became arrogant over getting a Sponsor !?


He shifted uneasily as his new rider roared in outrage over their loss in the race. Hearing a pained roar he looked at the direction curiously. The Dragon Beau who won the race was having trouble De-magging his Green Ramming gear. Beau tried several times but the gear would not come off.

Part of the gear chipped of he noticed. Bending down he gave the gear a suspicious look and sniff. "Then it's not really Green Ramming Gear. Didn't you do a test run or look it over ? Seem's suspicious to me, you really are gullible," His rider said. 

 Giving Beau a encouraging roar he listened to Ember who signalled him to leave.


"Hey Aella, Somethings wrong. That Artha Penn was given some shady gear. His dragon can't Mag it off," She said through Comm Link.  "Gear should not do that. I'm afraid Artha was walked into a trap," Aella's voice said thoughtfully. "What kind of trap ?" She asked with a bad feeling. "Most likely to steal his dragon, what place did he get ?"

Hearing this she got angry and now wanted to stop on that newbie's fat head repeatable. "1st, somehow he did a combo with the White Aero Gear and Red Thrusters but the dragon was in control," She remembered out loud. "So Beau is being controlled. I'll go check on him !" Aella yelled as she hurried to get her dragon ready.


Walking back to the Royal Dragon Compound he stiffened at the sound of screaming. He had been dreaming tiredly about his stall when he realized he was seeing a Dragon Stamped. No longer tired and sleepy he let out a roar and turned tail with Ember clinging onto the saddle. "Run !" Ember screamed as he ran past two other dragons and their rider's.

He ran as fast as possible to avoid getting trampled on while his rider contacted Firestorm's rider. After finishing the conversation did Ember take control and activate the Red Side Vents. "Come on boy," Ember said as the burst of speed helped them get farther away.

"Were are those pipes ?" Ember asked to herself. He could feel Ember shifting in the saddle. "There !" Ember shouted as she activated the White Aero Gear and with that she jerked him off the street into the air. Letting out a surprised roar he heard he push another button.

She moved around and he flew above the Dragon Stamped only to land on top of a old building safely. "And that's how you escape a Dragon Stamped."


Still feeling proud of herself she noticed something. "Hey Aella I see the Dragon Booster but no Dragon of Legend," She reported from her spot up high. "All right, keep an eye on the situation," Aella instructed.


Through the commotion and mayhem she was able to find the dragons. They slowed down due to the sudden giant dragon that appeared but it was not a real dragon. Landing on a pipe were Beau stood she too let out a loud roar in command for the dragons to stop.


Both Beau and Firestorm began to talk to the other dragons. The listening dragons bowed and then walked back to where they originally were.

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