The Leap of Lorius

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To their surprise and delight young Harmony the newest member that joined their crew before leaving Star City was invited to race the Leap of Lorius. It did not take long for them all to sit down to watch the first and last rookie racer do the leap instead of taking the longer way. "Looks like I'll be beating you then,"Ember joked as she brushed Scorch who was to busy having his muzzle dig deep in Dragon Food.

When the dragon finally lifted his head out he gave them a happy grin before chowing down again. "Oh boy Scorch if you continue eating that much food you might get fat," Harmony commented as she helped brush a slim Turk who gave a surprised snort as he woke up.


Hearing the remark on him getting fat he withdrew his head and let out a hungry roar. After that Gauntlet Race he had gotten a little sick and was now better. "You better watch out Harmony, this guy's going to make you and Bal eat our dust," Ember replied from her high spot as she ate her food.

The inside balcony was a perfect spot for both humans and dragons to watch. Once the humans were done did he and the others get saddled up to practice. Firestorm took point showing the other dragons how to use Sledding gear before she went down the large tube. It was not long before they raced each other inside.

Rider's bravely activated their Thrusters as they looped ahead of one another. When the reached the end of the giant pipe did Aella yell in warning and once out did the ones in the front bring out the Thrusters while some just jumped out. Snorting as he jumped out he felt the Sledding gear retract back to his feet.

"Now that was Drac !" A White Draconium rider cheered.

"So are you really going to do the jump Penn," Ember asked. He could feel her glaring at the unfortunate human who had talked about doing the jump. "You told everyone ?!" He heard Beau's rider ask. As the humans continued to talk he took off once the gate came down.

Racing ahead he could hear Bal right behind him. He could hear the humans fighting each other with their Jakk Sticks. "Just stay clear of it boy," Ember ordered. He looked up at his rider to see her keeping a eye on the track and the other on the racers at they attacked each other.

The only ones not attacking was him and Bal, their rider's stayed away from the fighting heard of dragons.


Beau's rider seemed desperate about something. He let out a roar for Scorch to slow down and their rider's joined in the conversation. "I believe Artha's telling the truth. Trust your dragons !" Scorch's rider yelled before urging him to run ahead. "Aella and Ember trust Artha so I will too !" She stated before leaving to tell the other racers about the trap.

He ran past Coershun and his rider as he Magged the gear for the jump. Beau then ran past them all and leaped. Roaring he followed his Scorch on his tail.


"That must have hurt," She remarked after seeing Cain and Coershun's crash. The other racers started jumping the leap after Artha and she lost sight of them. "They will be fine," She said as she brought out a Draconiyum Bar to eat.


He felt like he was flying through the clouds. Harmony shut off the Thruster and jerked him around to the pedestal were he filed down his claws with trying not to slide off the pedestal before jumping off. "Go boy," Harmony urged as he jumped off. Aero gear and Red Thrusters seemed to becoming his best gear friends.

He flew to the the large tube were Harmony angled his body so they smoothly entered. He could hear someone screaming and Scorch roaring loudly as Harmony activated the Sledding gear. The sound of metal against metal was not a pleasant sound he learned the hard way. Sledding down sparks flew behind him and his rider bent down to avoid her helmet from scraping against the metal tube.

One by one they shot out into the light and applause. "That was pretty Drac," Harmony commented even through they did not win the race.

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