All Is not Lost

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The Wastelands were still gray and bleak, she thought as she looked at the barren land. Once it probably was not, when the original Utopia existed, before all the other dragons were bred into existence. Hearing a large dragon's roar Firestorm uttered a growl but kept on walking over the stone bridge.


Firestorm entered Word Paynn's Citadel. Jumping off she gave her suspicious dragon a pat before leaving to speak to Word Paynn. Word Paynn himself was messing with some gear when she made her presence known. "I've heard you breed pure Black Draconium dragons." Turning around Word Paynn gave her a surprised look.

Making herself comfy on a nearby chair she continued,"I've seen the dragon you're son rides, Decepshun. A very impressive dragon." Getting rid of that look on his face Word Paynn said,"I'm honored that such an important person like yourself has noticed." Smiling smugly at the comment,"I've told a certain someone who breeds pure Black Draconium dragons and "Increasing a better Black Draconium Gene pool is always welcome'," She quoited.

Before Word could reply a new voice called out. "Father ! That Gold Draconium-" Moordryd stopped when he noticed her sitting. "Hello Moordryd," She greeted. Still surprised Moordryd stayed silent. "Well remember my offer Word," She said dismissively as she got out of her chair. At the door she added,"Oh and Moordryd see you at the Academy."

After that she headed back to her compound were Vivian was saddling her Turquoise Sonic-Class Dragon Turk. Turk reared as Vivian jumped on the saddle. "Calm down Turk," The dragon's rider said.

Firestorm stopped and looked back. Letting out a loud roar for all to hear Firestorm lunged at the air. A loud pained roar screamed. In her dragon's clawed clutches was a Wraith dragon. Growling threateningly Firestorm let the frightened thin looking dragon go. Scrambling up the dragon burned claw leaving a train of kicked up dust.

Snorting Firestorm continued but answered a distance strange cry with a savage roar in challenge. "Okay let's stop letting everyone know we are here," She pointed out as she pulled her dragon out of her challenging stance. Still growling Firestorm walked deeper into the Wastelands.

3rd pov

The Shadow Rider and dragon watched the Muhorta who resided in her home and the other rider on a large two horned dragon.  The two Wraith's that had waited on the two disappeared into thin air. The glowing red eyes of the rider and dragon followed the tell tail of dust.

When the Wraiths returned they had herded the Dragon Booster and Dragon of Legend to the home of the Muhorta. Foolishly the rider let his dragon get close to the Vampire Dragon's home with in easy reach. 

The two horned dragon leaped in front of the naive two. "Word Paynn," The raven haired rider said. The Pure Black Draconium dragon tensed, ready to leap in. "Easy girl, not yet," The Shadow rider said.

The Wraith Dragons stood ready to grabbed the soon to be drained two as the Muhorta had her slimy tentacles all over them. As the tiny figure popped up did the Shadow Rider urged her dragon to leap in the action. Roaring angrily the dragon slammed into the horned dragon and then ran out of the Muhorta's reach as Dragon Booster and dragon disappeared.

Both dragon and Word Paynn were grabbed by the Muhorta. From a distance Word's screams could be heard but the rider was in deep thought about seeing the Leader of the Keepers Stewert.

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