The Lost Track of Doom

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"Who has been using my special hair treatment mix !" Ember demanded as she held a container full of dark swirling liquid. Glaring green eyes surveyed everyone with a promise their was going to be hell to pay. Ember willingly would make a special mix that made hair grow faster, Olive oil, Coconut Oil and a lot of grounded Cinnamon.

But Ember herself had an exclusive special mix with more than that but no one knew what. The sticky oil mixture after a night's soak and then rinse made Ember's long red and gold streaked hair look shiny, soft and smelled amazing. Ignoring the Fire Booster's descendent she went back to brushing  Firestorm.

From a distance she could hear Ember sniff out her next victim. Burn let out a startled roar and shook his head as his rider vengefully went after a Crew mate.


Unlike Burn he stayed quite as their rider roared in her anger. He was used to this since Ember was really proud of her hair with it's reds and golds streaks. She would even say they matched with his elaborate skin patterns. Looking at the smaller Red Magma-Class dragon he let out a gentle roar to calm his new friend down.

Once all the humans were done with cleaning stalls and dragons did they sit down and talk about the Prophets, Orange Control-Class dragons that could control their riders through their gear. Hearing this Burn let out a frightened roar. "You're not racing in the Marathon, I am," He pointed out.


Scorch, Maleficent, Turk, Splash and herself along with their riders on their back were behind the gate. Turk the Turquoise Sonic-Class dragon tossed his head making his rider Vivian hold on for dear life. "Calm down Turk," Vivian said before they all took of in a haze of scales.


It did not take long for Cherie who was the rider of Black Draconium Maleficent to direct them to the first challenge which was for Firestorm to bash through. Activating the Green Ramming gear her dragon bashed through. They ended up on the old track which was said were the Orange Dragons were said to snatch riders.


Covered by the fog he tensed when he heard a dragon heading for them. It did not sound like a Bi-pedal dragon so it could not be a Orange dragon like Snaps and Oracle. Rushing past them was a familiar looking PSI-Class dragon. "Cain what's wrong ?" Ember questioned as the rider screamed past them.

"Okay that was weird," Cherie stated. Firestorm snorted and continued to walk forehead. When she did stop did he look to see the track was smashed. Roaring a order for them all to back away did they see the lead dragon's plan. Taking off at a run, Red Thrusters activated along with White Aero gear Firestorm cleared the gaping hole.

One by one they followed by example and continued. It was when they were led to a large open track full of moving obstacles did their riders stop to observe. "We will have to go through if we want to win the race," Firestorm's rider said.

Snorting he raised himself as high as he could to get a better advantage of seeing the track. Once done he took off at a high speed run, Ember worked the gear while ducking down. The others followed their lead from behind. Once in the clear did he slow down and gave Ember a grin.

"We'll that was challenging," Vivian said.


There were more tests they had to go through, their dragons had to send a steady Mag Stream to open a large door, Out run traps, figure out  which  track to take. Firestorm had to climb up in order to see which one was the right from reading a riddle.Turk and Splash excelled when they had to run over these thick wires to that the very long track would go down so they could pass.

"Drac balance," Ember commented to the proud siblings. "Blue Balance," Riddian the only guy on their team said. "Got that right," Riddian's twin Vivivan agreed. Turk and Splashed grinned happily at their rider's happy mood. "You job," The twin's said in usion.

It was when did they all see the finish line. "Time to blaze the track !" Ember cheered as she activated her Red Thrusters. From a distance up high she heard faintly screaming. "Let's run !" She ordered flipping the Red Thrusters Firestorm had Magged to life.

As they all flew she made sure to make use of the Green Ramming gear and rammed every non membered dragon to make them fall. They won the race in the end. Artha Penn's team seemed like they had seen the Orange dragons. "Not all of them are bad," She added before nudging Firestorm to run to catch up with the others.

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