Artha the Drac and his Dragon Sized Head

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One by one when they were announced by Marshal Budge the crowd cheered. "The unpredictable Moordryd Paynn !" As the crowd cheered Moordryd gestured a arm. "The skilled Aella !" As the crowd cheered she waved to them all. "And of course Artha Penn of Penn Stables," Budge added dismissively.

Firestorm took off eagerly as Beau shot next to them. "Well someone's eager," She commented as her dragon overtook the Red and Blue dragon with ease. "Eat our dust Penn !" She shouted. Firestorm grinned at this as she made full use of her long legs.

However Artha Penn did not seem like he was not going to give up because he activated his Thrusters. "Looks like were going to have to wipe them on the track girl," She commented as she made use of the Reppal and Blue Turning gear. The smoothly turned at a still fast pace.

Deactivating the Rappel gear she saw the little kid on the track. At once Firestorm jumped over the little toddler and past Artha and his dragon on the next turn with the help of the Blue Turning gear while Artha rushed to save the kid from getting trampled by the other racing dragons who's riders were to busy fighting each other to notice.

When the others caught up it was over since they had already won. With her trophy in hand she spotted Moordryd and Cain. Glancing to were they were looking at she saw the shady Crew Leader of the Voice of the Dragons, Vociferous.

Her face twisted into instant dislike and trust. Vociferous was a oily slippery lying snake not to be trusted. Most likely that sneak was trying to steal Artha's dragon. "Oh great Vociferous," She spat with already a horrible taste in her mouth.

Glancing she saw Moordryd glance at her before he motioned his dragon to leave with Cain beside him. Feeling blood rushing to her face she quickly looked away and headed back to her tent were she left Firestorm to rest.

"Ah ! Why does that stupid seen always pop up," Ember complained from her spot on the couch. At once the image of Artha's save was switched to another channel. "All that fame going to his head won't be good for him," Harmony seemed to agree.

"What's worse is Vociferous has sinked his teeth into Artha," She said as she appeared. "Vociferous ? His Crew gives Sonic-Class rider's a bad rep," Turk's rider complained. "Well that won't be good, he's out to steal the kid's dragon," Ember complained still sprawled lazily on the couch.

"That means someone will be watching. We'll rotates who watches," She ordered with everyone watching.


"Hey guys watch this," She said through her comunicator. Artha Penn brought out a Dragonola Bar which was dragon food. "Dragon Bars made for dragons they are so good I like them too," Artha said as he took a bite and then leaned down to avoid throwing up. "Haha !" She laughed while Scorch chuckled.

I'm so telling Cain, She thought. After over 24 cuts Artha took off after eating dragon food. Poor Beau ended up snatching the food. "Hungry boy ?" She asked as she fished out a Dragonola Bar. Grinning Scorch snapped up the treat.

Harmony soon came to replace them. "Hey you missed out on Artha eating dragon food," She chuckled. "Wow his ego must be huge."


They followed the human as he made a fool of himself. His rider laughed as the strange human hit his head on a low hanging sign.

3rd pov

They watched as the Blue Balance dragon called Bal turned into his Samurox form and growled at the two from the Voice of the dragon Crew. "That's enough !" The rider ordered as she urged her dragon to join in on the fight. Bored the Shadow Dragon lied down and watched with little interest at the scene.

Both Shadow Rider and Dragon chuckled as the two were locked into their dragon trailer. Vociferous got a mouth full of a Dragonola Bar. With the old scales smelling food in his mouth Vociferous was finally speechless. No amount of smooth talking now as the pair yelled faintly.

"Come on get us out !" They yelled.


It was all over the crews how Vociferous 'Spectacularly' failed in stealing the Stable Brat's dragon. She laughed after she told Moordryd what Ember said. Moordryd himself laughed at this and more laugh's erupted from outside the Dragon Eye's building. "It seems my second has told your whole crew," She said as she to a bite of the Draconiyum Bar Moordryd had offered her.

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