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"I miss her." It had been a few days since the Coach's announcement. While they did see and converse with Yana on a daily basis, it was different. It felt like they were talking to someone else who was in Yana's body. This other Yana wasn't at all like their Yana, she was far too perfect, as if she belonged in a magazine. "I miss the old her. The real her." Watari was arguably one of the people who had spent the most time with her, so his statement had some real credibility behind it.

Oikawa mussed with his hair as he tried to keep up a smile. "Maybe she'll be back soon!" He chirped with faux cheerfulness. "Whatever it is, it'll be solved soon."

Hajime threw a volleyball at Oikawa. "Yeah maybe." He glared Oikawa down. Hajime knew that he had to do something because clearly Oikawa had no idea what to do and Yana didn't want to hear any of what Oikawa wanted to say. He shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Let's just get ready for the practice match. I think the other school is already set up and good to go."

The team huddled up for the first time since Yana stopped going to after school practice. Out of habit they waited for Yana to start the call out. No one said anything for a few seconds. Hanamaki cleared his throat, he figured since no one else wanted to say it, he would. They couldn't just stare at each other all day. "Seijoh! Rule the court!"



Yana gave a quick glance to the clock and took a seat at her desk. "The practice match has probably already started, huh?" She really wasn't talking to anyone in particular, but she felt the need to voice her thoughts out loud. "I wonder how they are doing." Yana opened her laptop and turned it on. "Probably winning."


"Aoba Johsai timeout!" The referee blew their whistle indicating the start of the break.

"Whaa~ They have us at twelve to nine." Oikawa lamented; it was a bad start for their team. Aoba Johsai was already three points behind in the first set.


Yana typed away on her laptop trying to convert all the evidence of aliens into a word document. It wasn't long before she had managed to compress all the information into MLA format. That should have been the end of the project until she found that all of their research only filled up three pages. Three pages were not enough to convince an entire class that aliens might actually be real. "I hate everything about this." Yana rubbed her eyes as they stung a little from all the screen time she had for the past few days.

Yana began her mumbling while she scrolled through all the search results for aliens. Honestly, she was getting pretty good at sifting through 'fact' and 'opinion' which thankfully made the whole ordeal easier. Yana tried to avoid YouTube as much as she could because she knew just how dangerous the YouTube spiral was.


"Their Libero is a real pain in the ass" Hajime used the towel to wipe off his sweat. Aoba Johsai had lost the first set by two points. It wasn't that the team wasn't focused, they were definitely taking the match seriously, but they were only a few seconds off sync. That was something they couldn't afford to be against their opponent.

"We can win the next two sets no problem" Oikawa grinned with his signature playful smile. "After all, we can't just report to Yana-chan that we lost."

"Damn right. We are winners." Hanamaki snorted.


Yana knew she shouldn't have done it, but she had clicked on the YouTube link anyway. She started off watching parts of an alien documentary but as time went on, she forgot her original purpose. As soon as the documentary was finished, she found herself watching conspiracy theories on the Bermuda triangle and pyramids. "Woah! Hold up." Yana paused the video midway. "What am I doing? I should be focused. Focused on our project." Yana eyed one more video, this one was about the trajectory and science behind rocket ships. "I could probably use this as evidence, right?"

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