Oh Captain, My Captain

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"Excuse me?" Kuroo righted himself up now fully serious. "Who is the Captain?"

"I'm not sure" Yana sighed and ran her fingers through her long hair. She was not looking forward to the match or seeing anyone from her old school for that matter.

"Will you be ok?" Kenma asked, his game paused so he could pay better attention.

Yana groaned as she flopped face down onto her bed, she wasn't really sure what to say. If she said 'yes', she would be lying, but If she said 'no' they would get worried. So, she chose the next best option. 'Pretend to be asleep'.


"We know you aren't asleep!"

"I am asleep, snooooooreeeeee" Yana grumbled in response.

- ----DAY OF THE MATCH-----

The day of the match had come far too soon in her opinion. Yana did consider being 'sick' and not coming to school at all, that was until she realized she had a test during last period. There was no way she was skipping a test. Yana sat down on the locker room bench and sighed. It's fine. This is fine. Yana wiped her hands on her shorts before she began to tie her shoelaces.

Once she scrambled to put on her 'Coach' jacket she began to pace up and down the room as if she were determined to wear down the tiles, her eyes slowly looked down to the door handle. Once she opened that door, she needed to have her game face on. It's not like she had trouble with the other members of the Shōsha team, in fact she almost liked some of them. It was just one person she never wanted to see again. Yana, didn't you say you were done being scared of him? She clenched her fist tightly and took a long breath in. She tried to clear the ringing in her ears. This was not the time for her to be like this. She was here for Aoba Johsai as their Student Coach. "I need to get a fucking grip." Yana growled under her breath. She gripped the door handle -with a little too much force than was strictly necessary- and walked out with as much hollow confidence as she could muster. Fake it till you make it.

"Yana-chan!" Oikawa chirped. He was a little nervous about the Tokyo school coming on that day but after spending most of last night watching clips and videos on the Shōsha Academy Boys' Volleyball Club he had swiftly decided that they weren't as good as Shiratorizawa's team. "Come on, the team is gathered by the door."

"What? Door? Why?"

"Everyone is excited and ready for their arrival." Oikawa looked at her like he had said the most natural thing in the world. For him it probably was, but for Yana it was something that didn't really happen.

The longer she thought about it the longer it made sense. Shōsha Academy never held practice matches in their school gym, they would always be invited by other schools. It was because of this that the concept of waiting for the other team by the door was so foreign to her. She simply had no idea that it was something that teams actually did.

"Look, the bus is here!" Kindaichi practically vibrated on the spot.

"What a fancy looking bus" Kunimi deadpanned, unlike Kindaichi he wasn't very impressed nor interested at all.

Seven people clad in grey and baby pink stepped out of the bus. Yana held back a grimace as she saw her previous Demon Coach, he looked like he had aged years even though it had only been a few months. His grey hair was now thinning, and his sunken eyes seemed much more pronounced.

"He looks like he is one step away from mummification."

Yana tried to stop her laugh which only resulted in a quiet snort. "I found that funnier than it actually was. Now go, go, we have to line up to greet the other school." All the Aoba Johsai students straightened up, Oikawa in the center with Hajime on his right and Yana on the left edge. The rest of their teammates filled in the remaining spots.

Walking front and center of the Shōsha Academy team was -which everyone assumed- the Captain. The captain stood at 6'2" feet (189cm) tall. His angular face and rounded jaw matched well with his messy silver hair. It was styled into a blown quiff, which was a new alteration from the last time Yana saw him.

He stopped right opposite Oikawa, gave him a quick once over and scoffed. "Iseri Kou, Captain and Middle Blocker of Shōsha Academy's Boys' Volleyball club." A grin spread over Iseri's face, it was wide, open and showing his overly whitened teeth. In that moment his motives were laid bare; he was the type of person who enjoyed whatever torment he could inflict on others. He held his hand out for a handshake.

"Oikawa Tooru, Captain and Setter." He went in for the handshake but before they touched Iseri moved his hand away.

"My hand got tired waiting. We'll be going inside." Iseri and his team walked in leaving Oikawa a mix between pissed and stunned. The audacity of this Iseri guy.

"Hey girlie! I thought I saw you!" One of the Shōsha members practically skipped over to Yana, with a puppy dog grin on his face. Unlike his very irritating captain this member seemed to at least be a little more affable. He seemed rather excitable and spritely. "I'm Kechi Tanji, a kind of friend of Yana's. I play setter too!" Kechi tilted his head once he saw the team. "Hm, looking lovely in a garden of flowers as usual."

Before Yana could say anything, Kechi circled around the team like a hawk to its prey. His eyes found Oikawa. Kechi hummed and nodded in approval until he saw Oikawa's backside. Kechi sighed, "We all have our faults."

Oikawa gasped as the rest of his teammates snickered quietly.

"Oh! Hello sir, look at those arms" Kechi gushed over Hajime. "Please hold me baby."

Kechi quickly moved on, it was his personal mission to love and care for all the flowers. "And you, those dead eyes, oh baby they light a fire inside of me" He feigned a shudder. His next target after Kunimi was Kindaichi, "That turnip hair? I'm digging it."

"Kechi..." Yana sighed weakly trying -but not really trying- to stop him. She did kind of want to know what he was going to say. It had only been a few months, but he had already gotten more outrageous.

Kechi gave a quick once over at Hanamaki. "You have your charms." Then to Watari "Oh, you look like such a soft boy, I want to touch your buzzcut." Keichi ran his fingers through his slicked back blond hair. There was one more left, Matsukawa was in his line of fire. "You look like a spicy meal. I'd love to take a bite out of that."

Matsukawa raised an eyebrow then decided to play along. "Not so bad yourself, hot stuff" Matsukawa winked with a lazy smirk on his face.

"Woah, woah, woah. Dude, I have a girlfriend." Kechi put his hands up defensively. "I'm very loyal to my darling thank you very much." Kechi backed off and fanned himself. "But uh, I appreciate the compliment." He blushed acting like an innocent schoolgirl.

"Kechi. Get over here."

"Oop that's me. Bye bye!" He made a break for the door after he blew them all a kiss.

"Is that, uh norm-"

"Yes." Yana answered before Hajime finished his question. Saying Kechi was a friend was stretching it a bit, he was more like a club associate. Yana wasn't close enough to him that she would say, wave to him in the grocery store outside of school. She began to gently corral her teammates inside "Let's just get ready too."


Yana had taken a detour to refill her water bottle. She was feeling a little restless now that she had reunited with some of her old schoolmates. Honestly, she was thankful she hadn't yet had a conversation with her Demon Coach. Yana shuddered at the thought. Though, he is only the second on the 'people I don't want to meet' list.

"Hey there, Zumi. I wondered where you went."

Shit. Yana wasn't sure how to proceed. Does she ignore him? Politely greet him? Smile? Run at the speed of light in the other direction? "Iseri." She stopped. Iseri had decided to stand in front of the door leading out of the hallway and on to the court.

"Oh, come now. Is that anyway to greet me, Zumi?"

"I don't think we are on good enough terms for me to greet you in any other way." Out of habit she pretended to casually pull her sleeves down as far as they could go without looking too out of place. Thankfully they were long enough to reach the middle of her hands. "What are you doing here?"

Iseri took a step closer to her. "How cruel. All the memories we shared, and you don't even ask how I'm doing? It's been so long, my Zumi."

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