King of the Court

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It had been a grand total of two days since Yana's first practice match, Oikawa and Hajime didn't really worry too much about her mixing in with their team. She was just as charismatic as Oikawa was but thankfully, less annoying. Yana had managed to win over the entire team and even some of the fangirls. While the team were expected to like her, the fangirls were not. Oikawa had asked his fangirls why she was so popular. Turns out, that there has been more than one incident where she had saved someone from something -usually falling. Naturally, when those people found out Yana was in the volleyball team, they had to see what she was like on court. Yana didn't look pretty on court or even cute for that matter. She was focused on the gameplay and teaching, which apparently made her look 'cool'. Which would explain why Yana had more female fangirls than male ones. Oikawa wasn't the slightest bit salty about that. Not at all.

"Have you seen Kindaichi and Yahaba?" Iwa-chan asked.

"I think I heard something about quickly getting some fresh air. I'll go find them and tell them to come back." Yana quickly scampered off. She had long since been given her volleyball uniform. It was pretty similar to the girls' volleyball team uniform to be honest.

Yana's chocolate colored hair was tied up in a high ponytail, which swished back and forth as she ran. The shorts she wore were the same white as the girls' volleyball team. She always wore her volleyball club jacket open which revealed her teal, fitted t-shirt and a white whistle dangling around her neck. Oikawa found himself deciding that he liked it on her. She actually looked the part of 'student coach' now.


"That's the highschool he attends right? The 'King of the court'?" Yahaba asked as the pair slowly made their way back to the gym. They had met up outside by coincidence, so they decided to walk back together.

"Who? Oh! Yeah. Kageyama and I went to middle school together." Kindaichi pursed his lips as if tasting something sour. "He is an egocentric king with no aptitude in teamwork."

Yahaba nodded thoughtfully. "Huh. I wonder how Karasuno will do today, especially with Kageyama. Honestly, all I remember about Karasuno is that their manager is really hot."

"Wait, seriously?!"

"Yeah! But I also heard that there is this other guy who walks around with a permanent scowl on his face. Apparently, he is a real idiot." Yahaba snickered. He wasn't sure how true those rumors were, but he was looking forward to seeing this pretty manager.

Before Kindaichi could reply, a shaved head and a face that looked like the gangster version on Watari popped around the corner. Four students clad in black came into view. It was Karasuno. Kindaichi and Yahaba looked at the four awkwardly not knowing what to say or do.

"If you look down on us like that..." The Watari lookalike glared, his voice low. "We'll chew you up and spit you out." As if on cue the crow in the tree cawed.

The tallest out of the four students was the next to speak up. "You shouldn't really intimidate the small things like that, Tanaka." He looked towards Kindaichi and Yahaba, sizing them up before he gave them a sly grin. "Look, you've frightened the 'Elites'. He added emphasis on the last word mocking them. "Don't be too scared now. We don't bite on good days." He pushed his glasses up slightly, the breeze gently ruffling his blonde hair.

"Psh, w-we aren't scared of you." Kindaichi glared. Before he could say more another person ran out from behind the corner.

"What are you guys doing? I looked away and you all disappeared!" The fifth Karasuno member gripped the shoulders of Tanaka and the tall blonde. "I'm very sorry about them."

All the student's looked up to another voice. "Yahaba! Kindaichi! Where are you?"


Yana called for both the boys as she walked around the outside of the gym hoping they were close by enough for them to hear her. At first, she thought maybe they'd be trying to scout out the 'enemy' team but then she realized that this was Kindaichi and Yahaba she was talking about. It's most likely that Yahaba went to see if the other team had a cute manager then somehow ended up roping Kindaichi into it.

"Yahaba! Kindaichi! Where are you?" Yana called; this time louder than the last. Yana grumbled then not even a few paces later, she saw them on her left. "You guys! Hajime is looking for you" Yana walked closer to the pair then noticed the five other students. "Oh." She quickly assessed the scene. There was a Watari lookalike and a tall guy with glasses who both were held on by a shorter student with brown hair -He seemed to have a more dependable presence than the others. But if Yana were just comparing auras then without a doubt the winner was the black-haired student with a scowl on his face.

"Did they cause you any trouble? I'm so sorry if they did."

"No, no. It wasn't them. Our team has a couple of guys who like to rile people up." The brown-haired student gave an affable smile and held out his hand. "I'm Sawamura, Karasuno's team captain. Nice to meet you."

Yana returned the smile with one of his own. That's why he seems so reliable. He is the captain. She took his hand and shook. "I'm Iwaizumi Yana, nice to meet you too! We have another Iwaizumi on our team so you can just call me Yana, so it doesn't get too confusing." Yana chirped. "This turnip haired guy here is Kindaichi, and this soft looking guy is Yahaba." She gestured to the two boys.

"What?! Yana! I don't have turnip hair!" Kindaichi protested.

"I don't look soft!" Yahaba added.

"This here is Tanaka" Sawamura gestured to the Watari lookalike, "And the saltshaker here is Tsukishima." Sawamura moved to the side slightly revealing one more student whose defining feature was the little flyaway hair and freckle dappled face. "This is Yamaguchi."

Oh god, I almost didn't notice him. How do I not notice someone that tall?! Yana panicked internally, her face not giving anything away.

The Captain gestured to the last student as the remainder of the Karasuno students appeared behind them. "This is Kage..."

"Kageyama." Kindaichi interrupted. "It's been a while, your highness. What sort of dictatorship do you run nowadays, hm?"

Everyone froze as they stared each other down waiting for what would happen next. The tension was almost suffocating as Kageyama opened his mouth to reply, "Keep your eyes open then you'll see." He held his head high as he walked off with the rest of the Karasuno team.

"Tch, look at him pretending to be a nice guy." Kindaichi grumbled.

The three Aoba Johsai students stayed still for another second. Yana was the first to move. "Don't just pick fights like that." She rolled her eyes and gave Kindaichi a noogie as the trio walked back to the gym. "Let's go. Hajime is probably going to be upset that we were gone for so long"


Kindaichi and Yahaba had taken a different route to Yana but promised that they would be back in time for the game. She had come across another student from Karasuno. This one however, was little shorter than herself with fluffy orange hair and looked absolutely wretched. "Hey, are you ok?"

"Y-Yes" He squeaked. His whole body was visibly trembling, and she could have sworn she saw his hair puff up on edge.

Yana had never seen someone so nervous before a match before. She attempted to keep his mind off the current situation. "My name is Iwaizumi, what about yours?

"Hinata...First year"

"You're already a starting member? How cool. What position do you play?"

Hinata's copper brown eyes started to sparkle. "I'm a middle blocker! It's a position meant for tall people, but...but they gave it to me so I'm going to try my best!"

Yana smiled, "That's good. But you won't be able to play unless you go back there now, the match is starting soon,"

Hinata's eyes widened "What?!" he looked around frantically, he didn't want to be late. He wanted to play. He remembered turnip head's words and shuddered. He couldn't mess up.

"Down the hall and to the left."

"Thank you! Bye!" Hinata waved before he quickly ran off to the court.

Yana slowly began to walk there herself. She hid her hands in her jacket pockets as she couldn't help but grin. Yana had been told at one point that she was mischievous, but she would much rather say she had an eye for fun, and this was certainly an opportunity for fun. A short middle blocker and a genius setter, I wonder what Karasuno has planned for us today.

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