Costume Change

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"O-one more" Watari wheezed. He had been running himself ragged trying to receive Hajime's spikes.

Yana continued to toss balls up for Hajime to spike to Watari's side of the court, he wanted to try get better control and power over the ball while he was in the air. It didn't matter how many perfect tosses he received if he couldn't even hit them to the best of his ability.

Yana looked around till her eyes landed on Oikawa. He had been trying to increase his jump serve's accuracy without having to sacrifice any speed and technique. He had been knocking down individual water bottles on the other side of the court for the past hour without rest. Oikawa wanted to make the most out of the training camp so that was what he planned to do.


"Yes?" Both the Iwaizumis' turned to face the Head Coach. They weren't sure which of the pair he was referring to so Yana and Hajime had both grown accustomed to answering together.

"Ah, Yana." Coach Irihata specified. "Come here for a moment." He gestured to the space beside him on the bench.

Yana tossed one more ball up for Hajime before she sat beside Coach Irihata. "Watari has improved dramatically, It's really quite something. I'm sure you played a huge role in his progress."

"It's not just me putting in the work, Watari has been practicing diligently. I can give as much advice as I can but if he refuses to practice and follow through with training, he wouldn't have improved as much as he has." Yana watched as Watari applied everything he had learned into his receives. She remembered the first time she saw him play and compared it to the him now. It would be hard to believe they were the same person with how much he had changed. His form looked much sturdier and he had confidence in his receives. Yana looked back to when he first asked her to teach him.

'I want to be able to tell my teammates with confidence that I have their backs! I want to help bring the team to nationals.'

A realization dawned on her. I don't think I'm needed here as a student coach anymore. When Yana first agreed to join, she planned to leave as soon as Watari could easily stand on his own two feet. There were no new tricks she could teach him, at this point, it was up to Watari himself to find out what worked best for him. He had to find his own play style. Yana's usefulness was over. "I think he'll be fine on his own now." She pursed her lips, after the training camp ended she would probably have to quit. I planned on leaving in the first place, so it should be easy. I managed to quit my old team without any regrets, and I knew those members since early middle school. So why do I feel reluctant to leave this team?

Coach Irihata abruptly handed her a clipboard and a pen pushing her out of her own thoughts. "What's this for?" There was a sheet of paper on the board with the names of each member arranged in a table.

"Write down the strengths of three members."

"Alright." Yana watched her teammates for a few minutes before she began to write.

The first was Kunimi, he was on energy saving mode all the time -which did make her wonder why he chose to play such a physically demanding sport- but dismissing that thought, Yana was convinced that Kunimi could be utilized in late game play when the rest of the team was tired.

Next, she chose Hanamaki. He was always composed and observant. Yana had noticed that Hanamaki's game sense was probably one of the best amongst the other members. Not to mention his feints are pretty nasty. Hanamaki had awareness that was valuable at all times during a match.

For Yana's final pick she went with Kindaichi. He used his height to spike from up high to avoid the Blockers. Kindaichi's spike had always sent the ball straight down on the opponent's side of the field. She had noticed him practicing a broad quick to add to his repertoire.

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