Long-lost Twin

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Trashykawa: Yana! Let's go out today! :D

Yana: ???

Yana: Why though?

Yana: What would we even do?

Trashykawa: That's a surprise ;9

Yana: Sounds like you already have something in mind.

Trashkawa: Yep!

Trashykawa: I'll be there in 20mins!

Yana: I didn't even agree yet!

Trashykawa: the keyword there is 'yet' :D

Trashykawa: It'll be fun! You don't need to bring or wear anything specific. No heels though <3

Trashykawa: See you in 20.

Yana: Ugh

Yana grumbled as she rolled out of bed. She didn't want to spend her free time doing anything other than sleeping yet she found herself moving to get ready anyway, she -like Hajime- had fallen prey to Oikawa's spontaneous ideas. "Twenty minutes isn't enough" She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and started to get ready. Yana wasn't sure what she was going to wear yet, but she would cross that bridge when she got to it.

She had just finished drying her hair after getting out of the shower before the doorbell rang. Yana looked at the clock. It's already been twenty minutes?! She pulled out her phone to text Oikawa to give her a hot second until she heard the sound of the door being opened.


"Oh, good morning. I'm here for Yana-chan. I'm Oikawa Tooru, pleasure to meet you."

"I'm Yana's mother, please come inside and I can get you something to drink." She led Oikawa into the cosy living room and offered him a seat on the white L-shaped sofa. The hot chocolate colored walls promoted a more relaxed aura when paired with the slightly off-white accents. "I was wondering why I heard her move around so early. Who would have thought that Yana would already have a date? Well, I suppose it has already been a few months. Water? Juice? Tea? Coffee?"

"No, I'm alright, thank you for the offer though."

The sound of hurried footsteps stampeded down the stairs. "Ah that must be Yana."

Not even a few seconds later, Yana burst into the living room. "Sorry I took a while." She was a little breathless from running around and trying to find out what to wear. Since Oikawa was vague as always, she had trouble choosing. "Sorry I took a while. You were a little abrupt" Yana was wearing a navy-blue pleated skirt that reached up to high waist and down to mid-thigh level. Most of her shirts were in the wash so she decided to wear one of her many long-sleeved sweaters. The base color of the sweater was white which had a single thick stripe going through the chest and arm area that matched the color of her skirt. Parallel to the navy stripe was a thin red stripe not unlike what Oikawa was wearing during their last date. She fidget with her twisted ponytail awkwardly as neither of her audience responded. "Uh, let's go?"

Oikawa was pleasantly surprised. He noticed that her sweater looked really similar to the t-shirt shirt he wore last time. While her ensemble was a completely different color scheme and style from her last date outfit, it looked equally good on her. It took him a few seconds before he responded. "Sure. I'm ready." Oikawa stood up as if to prove his point.

Bump Set Spike (Oikawa X OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora