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Yana put two fingers between their lips to stop the kiss. "W-wait... Can you give me some time?" She blushed.

Oikawa pulled away and tried to keep his disappointed expression off his face. "Sorry, I got a little ahead of myself there." He managed to untangle himself and moved to sit by her left. "I-I uh..." Oikawa didn't know where he was originally going with his sentence so instead, he pursed his lips and didn't say anything.

Yana sat up. "Sorry..."

He gave her a smile that was faker than plastic. "No! You have nothing to be sorry about. I get it if you don't like me and...yeah. I should be sorry for making it awkward!" He tried to laugh it off and succeeded to some extent. "I should have known you liked someone else."

Yana shook her head "That's not it at all!" She fidgeted in place before she looked up at the moon. "It's not that I don't like you. But I just need some time to think about it." she pulled her legs close to her chest and rested her head on her knees. "It's just a little scary... going straight into a relationship again."

"Oh." I should have considered that. Oikawa internally facepalmed. Of course, she would be hesitant. Her last relationship was toxic and resulted in a crazy ex. As he reflected on his actions there were a few similarities between himself and Iseri. They were both captains of the Boys' Volleyball Team. They were both in the same grade, same eye color and they both managed to make her feel like she was worth something. But I'm not him...

Yana knew that Oikawa and Iseri were two very, very different people and she knew that comparing the two was unfair and insulting to Oikawa. She wanted to say yes. But she didn't want to repeat the same mistakes as last time. Yana gave him an apologetic smile. "Will you give me a day or two? I promise I'll have a reply by then."

Oikawa sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, he knew that she had given him the best possible answer considering the outcome of the night. "Ok then. I'll be waiting." There was an awkward silence.


Oikawa stood up and stretched. "Let's bring you home"

- ----ONE HOUR LATER-----

After taking his shower Oikawa snuggled into his futon. He had dropped off Yana back at her home but the walk there was painfully awkward. She didn't outright reject him, which was good, but she didn't exactly agree to date him. It was the best possible compromise he could hope for. It meant there was still a chance. The only problem was, until she gave him a response it would feel a little weird around her. Oikawa groaned into his pillow. Thank goodness it's the weekend.


As soon as Yana came back home, she got ready for bed, again.


Yana: Kuroo!

Yana: It's a Friday night I KNOW you are awake

Kuroo: Chill, I was watching the climax of a movie.

Yana: Oikawa confessed to me.

Kuroo: Ok, congrats? Did you say yes?

Yana: Not exactly? But I didn't say no either!

Kuroo: I thought you liked him?

Yana: I do

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