Match Point

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The two coaches thought it over. Irihara seemed rather intrigued by the small girl. It was true that they had nothing to lose if she wanted to help out. Mizoguchi on the other hand was skeptical. Who was she that she considered herself so great that she could teach one of the members better than he could? He mulled it over in his head for a bit, he didn't want to outright dismiss her as she might actually be a worthwhile student assistant but at the same time he didn't just want to agree. Mizoguchi decided on some kind of test to make sure she could back her claims up.

"As you know we can't just agree, however why don't you prove your Libero capabilities in a single set? We have enough members for two full teams. We can choose the teams at random. What do you say?"

"If it will convince you to allow me to assist you then I will happily oblige." Yana dropped her stance now that she was no longer being questioned. She looked down at the wood floored court, "Oh, but I'll need to quickly grab my volleyball shoes and sport uniform. I don't live too far; I'll be right back." She left her bag on the ground for Hajime to deal with as she ran back to get her stuff. A feeling she knew all too well buzzed in her chest.


"Kenma!" Kuroo called for his friend as soon as Kenma walked out his door. "Did you sleep last night?"

"Yes" Kenma answered confidently.

Kuroo crossed his arms over his chest, his raven colored hair in its usual bedhead. "Why was your light on at two in the morning?"

"How do you even know that?" Kenma narrowed his eyes at Kuroo before he took out his smartphone and began to play. "I slept. I just woke up early."

They began their walk to school, Kuroo easily keeping the almost one-sided conversation going. "...And then she said, 'Aliens'"

"Her project is to convince people that aliens exist?" Kenma was a bit of a skeptic. As much as he considered it cool, Kenma never believed that sci-fi and fantasy creatures could ever exist. It just wasn't possible.

Kuroo gave Kenma a sly grin. "Next thing you know she'll be all conspiracy theorist with a tinfoil hat and everything."

"No." Kenma sped up his walking pace and sent a quick text to Yana without Kuroo's knowledge.

Kenma: No tinfoil hats.

Yana: Um, ok?


Yana shoved her phone into her bag as she finished changing. Her tracksuit didn't look too bad on her. The bright teal shirt was a little too much for her liking but apart from that it was fine, no loose flappy parts, nothing too tight or too big. It was a good fit. Yana sat down and rolled up the bottom of her white and teal track pants as far as they could go, which was unfortunately not very high. It was only able to reach mid shin, but something was better than nothing. Yana's kneepads wouldn't fit over her pants, so she decided to just not wear them instead. She knew she would regret the decision but that was for later. Yana pulled on her long elbow pads before she looked down at her volleyball shoes. Yana never thought she would put them on ever again.

I thought I was done with volleyball. Why am I doing this now? I don't owe Oikawa or Hajime anything. You barely even know them. What does it matter if they win or lose? Their libero can always look up on the internet how to improve his playstyle. Why are you doing this? Yana's head flooded with little voices as her ears rang from the sheer noise they made.

"Please teach me how to be a better Libero!"

"I want to be able to tell my teammates with confidence that I have their backs!"

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