Gilded Fairy

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From the outside the establishment looked like a quaint and tastefully decorated coffee shop. The pair were seated in a booth beside the window and out of the way from most of the other tables. The menu choices seemed to be a variety of finger foods, and a huge selection of drinks. Everything from milkshakes and smoothies to juice and coffee. A waitress promptly came over to take Oikawa and Yana's order.

"White chocolate and caramel latte please" Oikawa gave his signature smile to the waitress before he turned to Yana.

Taking the cue, Yana was next to order, "A Mochaccino please."

The waitress nodded and just as she came, she left.


"Yana-chan, this is a date!" Oikawa gasped. He really didn't want to work on the project. He brought the things he needed for the project but that didn't mean he wanted to actually work on it.

Yana already knew Oikawa had no intention of working on their project, so she came prepared. "I know, I know." She rummaged in her bag before she found what she was looking for. "Here." Yana passed him a little USB. "It has everything I have on it. You just need to cross reference it with yours."

"Yana-chan..." Oikawa looked up at her in awe. He took the USB and carefully stashed it away for him to use later. "You came here for a date. Like a proper date, I'm touched"

Yana looked to the side pouting. "Do you think I'd really try to look pretty if it was just a study date?" Yana mumbled, just loud enough for Oikawa to hear.

Oikawa clutched his shirt over where his heart would be and fake swooned, "Yana-chan! You dressed up for me!" He smirked, "Though, you look pretty no matter what you wear."

The tips of Yana's ears turned a bright red, but other than that she didn't react. It was then that Oikawa noticed that whenever Yana was flustered or embarrassed the tips of her ears would turn red. Her expression may not show those two emotions, but her ears certainly did. Oikawa thought it was the cutest thing he had ever seen and that's a lot of things. People usually fell for him, not the other way around. I am definitely not falling for her, what the hell am I thinking about?! This is Yana-chan! Iwa-chan's cousin. I'm not falling for my best friend's cousin, that's crazy talk.

"Here are your drinks. Please enjoy" The waitress put down both drinks.

Yana nodded a quick thanks and took a small sip. It was nice. The last time she had a Mochaccino was the last day she lived in Tokyo. Honestly, she was kind of surprised. Looking back on it now, since she moved here, the days passed as quick as light, she didn't know when it happened or how it happened but eventually, she enjoyed her time in Aoba Johsai. For a split second she considered it was Oikawa then dismissed the thought. She refused to humor such a ridiculous idea. She was enjoying her time because of the volleyball club and all its members. Emphasis on the 'all'.

"Oikawa." A few seconds passed. "Oikawa. Hello?" No response. "Oikawa, come back to earth."

"H-hm? Yes? Sorry I was thinking."

"A dangerous pastime" She nodded playfully.

"I know, right?"

The pair laughed at their own senseless humor. They chatted round a wide variety of topics to try and find one that wasn't just volleyball. Despite the frequent topic hopping the conversation was still uplifting and littered with smiles. Yana had spent a considerable amount of time with Oikawa, they were in the same class and club, but this was probably the first time they had a conversation just for the sake of enjoying each other's company.


"Really? [--------------] All the way out there?"

"Dude, why them? We are right next to Nekoma, why bother going that far out?"

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