Baby Steps

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By the time Oikawa had finished watching the video it was late evening. The interview had shown an entirely different Yana-chan, but if she really did mean what she said in the interview, then why did she stop playing? Why did she say she didn't want to have anything to do with volleyball anymore? The two conflicting statements played around in Oikawa's head.

"All I can do is hope I play another match."

"I don't want to have anything to do with volleyball."

"Ahhhhh, why do I even care why? It has nothing to do with me anyway" he mussed up his hair as he flopped back on his futon. He just wanted to know what caused such a dramatic shift in perspective. It would be such a waste if he couldn't convince her to join as their manager, or better yet, to help Watacchi get better as a Libero.

Yana-chan was one of the top Liberos' he knew, her team won nationals! Who better to teach his teammate? But then again, he couldn't just ask her to teach Watacchi, that would expose that Oikawa had actively looked up who she was. The label 'stalker' would be added to whatever Iwa-chan had already told her, and Oikawa really didn't want that. Why is this so much more complicated than asking someone out on a date? He would sooner ask Yana-chan out on a date rather than tell her that he basically stalked her volleyball career. "Maybe I'll see what Iwa-chan thinks first..." He mumbled before he curled up under his blankets.


"Shouldn't you be sleeping right now?" Kuroo asked over the phone.

Yana pouted -not that Kuroo could see- "I should be, but I'm trying to find something for this damn senior project."

"Isn't like, due at the end of the year?" Kuroo pinched the bridge of his nose. "What the hell kind of project are you doing that you don't have time to procrastinate? You always procrastinate."

"Aliens. We have to convince some of the class that aliens do exist. Aliens, Kuroo. Fuckin, I don't even believe aliens are real myself!" Yana threw her free hand up as she paced around in her room. "How am I supposed to do that? It's just so goddamn stupid! What kind of supporting 'articles' can we even get when half of the content we sift through is either opinion or bogus? Oh, you know what? Maybe both!"

"Your toxicity is showing Shortstop." Kuroo rolled his eyes, He only ever used the nickname Kenma had come up with when they were all still in elementary together for moments like these. He had to admit, it suited her, being a short Libero and all.

"But my partner. He is" She struggled to find the right word to describe Oikawa, but nothing really came to mind. He was infuriating but at the same time he could hold pleasant conversation. His persistence -when applied correctly- was an incredible asset for him. She couldn't hate Oikawa, instead she found herself finding his company just the tiniest bit amusing. She would never admit such things to him though.

"Your partner? Who is he?"

"Oikawa Tooru, pretty boy captain of the volleyball team and Hajime's best friend. A very tiresome and charismatic person – his fanclub is enough testament to that. Hajime tends to keep him in line, but he can't always be there to hold the reins." Yana suddenly found the words that seemed to suit Oikawa a little too well. "Flirtatious, smug, talented and outwardly flippant." A Volleyball addicted maniac who works too hard. She left that last part out though.

Kuroo furrowed his eyebrows displeased. This Oikawa seemed like trouble and it irked him. Kuroo wasn't the type to judge someone before he met them, but he was wary of anyone who could potentially hurt his friends. Kenma and Yana specifically. Yana wasn't always the greatest judge of character which led to some very two-faced friendships, if you could even call them that at all. "If he does anything, tell me. Ok?" Kuroo refused to let anything happen. Not again. He was the oldest and tallest out of the three, so clearly -as the most responsible one- he needed to keep on his toes.

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