Number One

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Yana turned to face the owner of the voice. Much to her dismay it was Oikawa. Captain of the volleyball team. The person she least wanted to see.

"I didn't expect someone as pretty as you to be here." He grinned roguishly and winked as if he totally didn't plan on coming early to see if Iwa-chan brought this 'Yana' with him. The brunette ran his fingers through his swept-out hair as his chocolate brown eyes met hers. "I don't believe we've formally met, you look like you'd be a fan of mine."

There wasn't any mockery in his tone but something about him just rubbed her the wrong way. It definitely wasn't his face -he was a very fine specimen. She just couldn't put her finger on it. Perhaps it was all the ranting that Yana was exposed to by Hajime. As far as she was aware, he was not at all like how the fangirls described him. "Oikawa, good morning!" She chirped pleasantly. "I wasn't expecting to see you here so early in the morning.."

His smile didn't falter. "Well, it's only natural. I am the captain of the volleyball team. I am supposed to come in this early. How about you?"

"I'm sure you know by now, I'm Iwaizumi Yana. Cousin of your childhood friend." She added politely. They hadn't exchanged many words, but Oikawa was already tiring to be around. "Unfortunately, I'm not here to see you, I don't really consider myself a fan of yours."

He ignored her last stinging comment. Oikawa said her name a few times as if he was testing the way it sounded on his tongue. "Yana-chan. That's a very cute name." Of course, he knew beforehand who she was. He had to pry it out of Iwa-chan, but it was worth it. He examined the girl in front of him. Now that he thought about it, there was a transfer student in his class. Oikawa was surprised he didn't notice her right away; he would have certainly remembered honey amber eyes like hers. "Hopefully Iwa-chan has said all good things about me."

"Hm, he talks about you quite a lot actually." The conversation's tone remained polite, but the tension was thick enough to cut with a knife. They were sizing each other up to see how much either of them knew about each other. "Mostly about how a certain 'Trashykawa' gets on his nerves."

Oikawa gasped dramatically. Immediately the tension in the air dropped from a ten to a zero. "Iwa-chan is so mean! I'd only say nice things about him." He pouted childishly. Oikawa was the first to put down the metaphorical weapons, so it was only fair that Yana did the same. "So, what class are you in?"

Yana felt her ego take a small hit by that question. She tried to reassure herself saying that the only reason why he didn't know was because he came late. "Third year, Class six. Same as you."

Oikawa gaped, she was in the same class as him and he didn't notice?! "Oh!" He mussed the back of his neck bashfully. "Sorry. I was late on the first day and didn't notice we had the Tokyo transfer. That was my bad. I should have paid more attention."

"It's alright. Like you said, you were late and missed my introduction." Yana shrugged, acting nonchalant. Oikawa didn't seem as bad as Hajime made him out to be, but he didn't seem quite as dreamy as how Rini described him. He seemed like a pretty nice guy though, if you ignored the whole flirty aura he had going.

"Do you maybe want a photo with me as an apology?" Oikawa offered as he flashed his signature grin.

Yana was thrown off once more and she didn't have time to properly formulate a decent response. "Um...not really" She wasn't exactly sure how to follow up.

Oikawa changed the subject faster than he started it, he wasn't expecting her to reject his offer though looking back he should have seen it coming. Yana wasn't his fangirl. She was just Iwa-chan's cousin, which automatically gave her friend status. His usual response wouldn't affect her. Hold on. A brilliant idea came to mind.

Bump Set Spike (Oikawa X OC)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat