Not Gifted

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"Dammit. You're supposed to say, 'I won't lose in tosses either' Shittykawa!" Hajime threw a volleyball at Oikawa's back which caused Yana to look up and towards the pair.

She watched as the ball rolled in her direction. "Hajime! Don't throw the balls around!" Yana sighed as she picked the ball up and placed it into the half filled cart. She didn't really hear the first part of their conversation but as she approached to get the second ball, she heard the last few sentences.

"Geniuses irritate me." Oikawa's childish facial expression and tone didn't match his words. It was always a really strange sight. "Our little Tobio-chan irritates me the most."

"Guys who have girls going 'Kyaa Kyaa' over them irritate me more" Hajime retorted.

Oikawa gave Hajime a victorious grin. "Jealousy is unbecoming on you, Iwa-chan"

It wasn't even a few seconds later that Hajime launched another ball at Oikawa's back. He never failed to miss his target.

"Hajime! The balls!" Yana pouted as she crossed her arms over her chest. Practice was over and she just wanted to go home. No, Scratch that. She wanted to find out why Oikawa so badly wanted to Kageyama to be here, it was obvious something was going on, but neither Hajime nor Oikawa gave anything away. It was obvious that Kageyama was a genius setter, and Oikawa claimed to hate people like him, but as far as Yana was aware, Oikawa was equally as talented. Not to be biased or anything but Yana would much rather receive a toss from Oikawa over Kageyama. Kageyama -as far she could tell from the previous game- gave tosses that were based off what he wanted, what he thought was best. Be it a broad, cross or straight, a setter who can control the spiker's swing direction didn't really sit well with her.


Honestly, the day was pretty uneventful. Oikawa and Yana had been working on their project separately for some time now, so a study session was probably long overdue. Yana shook her head to get the thought away, that was for another time. Instead, she thought about how long it would take for Aiko to notice Rini's flirting.

"Aiko! Yana!"

Speak of the devil, here she comes. Hopefully this time Rini's advances would go better. Yana was really rooting for the pair but didn't want to interrupt. So, she stayed as a spectator and hoped for the best.

Rini had her strawberry blonde hair tied up in high twin pigtails making her seem younger and more innocent. Her sea-blue eyes glittered every time she got to talk with Aiko. "I never asked but how was the movie?"

This time it was Aiko's turn to perk up as he gave his signature lopsided grin. "It was really good. My brother and I enjoyed it a lot!" He rubbed the back of his head bashfully. "Thank you for that. It was really generous of you."

Yana was certain that Rini's smile could have brightened up a dark room, it was blinding. "I'm glad." Rini decided that even though she didn't get to watch the movie with him she was still happy he enjoyed it with his brother.

"Yana-chan~" Oikawa called her from a few paces back. "Ya~hoo!"

Yana was already dreading what Oikawa wanted to say. She wasn't necessarily dreading it because he was Oikawa, but she was more conscious of the sly looks Rini gave her. Yana was positive that one day Rini would get involved and play matchmaker, Yana was not looking forward to that day. "Oikawa, anything you need?"

"Would you receive some serves for me? I need you to tell me if they are good or need more...Oomph."

Yana furrowed her eyebrows confused at what he was saying. "We don't have practice today though. Will we even be allowed inside the gym?" Yana really shouldn't have been as stunned as she was, Oikawa was so obsessed with volleyball that his last girlfriend dumped him over it. She had been told that the exact words were something like, 'If you love volleyball so much, why don't you marry it'. Yana was almost certain that the words were overly exaggerated, but it didn't make it any less amusing.

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