A Queen

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A few games later Akaashi and Yana took a break while the other three continued their shenanigans. "So, you and Bokuto?"

Akaashi smiled softly and nodded. "It took a while, but we got there in the end."

Yana met Akaashi during the volleyball summer training camp when he was still a first year. It was obvious from the start that there was some very intense pining going on. While she didn't explicitly state that she shipped them. Bokuaka was her OTP and no one could convince her otherwise. Yana tried her best to make as many 'coincidental' meetings as she could for the pair, so it was incredibly gratifying to hear that after an entire year the two of them had started dating.

"What about you?"

"Um." Yana was genuinely surprised that Akaashi asked about her love life in response. She was expecting him to go on about Bokuto or just change the topic entirely. Maybe having an outside opinion would help her arrange her scrambled thoughts. "Well you see, I like this person. And recently he revealed that he liked me too."

"Alright." Akaashi nodded for her to continue.

"But I feel kind of hesitant going into a relationship. It's not his fault at all, I just. My last relationship was really bad."

"Do you want to date him?"

Yana nodded.

"But you're scared of what might happen after?"

"Yes" Yana looked down at her shoes. She shouldn't be scared. Oikawa wasn't Iseri and would never do anything of the sort. At this point it just felt like this silly irrational fear. Being confessed too wasn't something to complain about.

"I may not be qualified to say such things since I'm not too sure on who this guy is, but I'd say take the jump. If you like him and he likes you then give it a shot. As you know, when I asked Bokuto to be my boyfriend I didn't know if he liked me in the same way, I didn't even know if he was into guys or not." Akaashi waved as Bokuto started running towards the pair holding and giant stuffed owl. "You might find it scary at first, but I can guarantee you. If it's what your heart wants, you won't regret a thing."


The day had gone as smoothly as they all hoped. Kenma of course, managed to use his tickets to trade for 'Ultimate Prize' which was -unsurprisingly- a new game.

Kuroo on the other hand, held three matching keychains. The first part had two graham crackers as its design, the second was a toasted marshmallow and the final piece was a block of chocolate. The three keychains were the components needed to make 'smores. Kuroo handed the cracker keychain to Kenma "You can have this one because it matches your hair." He handed the marshmallow one to Yana, "Marshmallow for you because you are the softest squish, and finally the chocolate keychain for me, because I'm the best part." Kuroo winked at his unamused audience.

"Bro...that's like poetic."


Bokuto and Akaashi had left a little before dinner leaving the trio alone again. "So, what next?" The group had lost track of time while they played and now it was a little too late to send Yana back home. It would take Yana a few extra hours by train to make it out to the country and none of them liked the idea of her going back alone late at night.

"We can have dinner and a sleepover. Our families were planning on having dinner together again anyway." Kuroo looked at his childhood friends. "We can bring Yana with us, I'm sure they'll be happy to see her."

"If it's alright."

"Yeah" Kenma took out his phone and sent a text message along with a photo of Yana, Kuroo and himself.

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