Chapter 21: The Disappearance

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Hola Crayolas! Another update? *GASP* I hope you enjoy it, and give me some feedback please!


Chapter 21

It was a peaceful awakening as I slowly drifted from the sea of unconsciousness. Wave by wave, I felt every crest that awoke me. Not abrupt like many other mornings, I cracked open my eyelids leisurely and unconsciously reached my fingertips out in search of something.

Or rather, someone.

However, I was only met with a lack of warmth grazing my fingertips and no sparks were crawling up my arms. Only then did I push myself to sit up and focus on the room around me.

It was still dark out, just on the peak of sunrise. Pinks, oranges, and blues were painting streaks around the sky, a piece of artwork I don’t often see.

My room was the same. Just like it has been for several weeks, yet I still felt as though something was amiss.

Only when my mind caught up with body did I realize that Jace was not there, which was peculiar since he has been staying with me for several weeks now. Although he had his own room, we shared my double bed, and it suited us fine. I could snuggle on his chest, and he could wrap his arms around me tightly.

I searched the recesses of my memory to see if I recalled anything about last night and the reason of his disappearance, but I came up empty handed. He was with me last night like he always is.

“So you really believed in the Grinch? Not Santa Claus, but the Grinch?” Jace scoffed. Obviously he was butt hurt about my Santa comment.

“Excuse you, Jim Carrey was a very convincing actor,” I whispered with my eyes closed and my head against his chest. I could hear every beat, and the sound was lulling me to sleep. “Plus, my parents weren’t the best at keeping Santa a secret, and a green man who hated Christmas seemed more believable than a guy traveling to all the houses in the world in one night to give kids presents.” I could feel Jace chuckle softly.

“You’re something else, kitten.” He sighed before placing a kiss on the top of my head, and I felt myself succumb to wave of sleep approaching. “I love you,” he whispered before tugging me closer and rubbing his fingers up and down my back in a soothing manner.

“I love me too,” I said groggily before Jace placed an immeasurable amount of kisses all over my face.

“You are too cute. I’m so lucky” He sighed, and I nuzzled into his neck.

“I love you too, Jace,” I whispered. “And anyone who really knows you will know that I’m really the lucky one.”

I slowly rise from my bed before shuffling to Noah’s room to check up on him. Cracking open the door a bit, I see him rustling in his sheets a bit before sticking his butt in the air and settling down. A soft smile slides onto my face, and I gaze at Noah for a few more moments before deciding to let him sleep a bit longer.

I make my way to the room that was technically Jace’s to see if he was there. He rarely goes in there as he sleeps next to me, and we spend most of the day in the kitchen or the backyard when we’re home. I trudge up the stairs and into the guest bathroom to run a quick brush through my hair.

Although Jace has seen what I look like when I wake up, I still thought I should make a bit of an effort to tame my lion’s mane. All the while, I pondered about why Jace would leave my room so early in the morning.

Maybe his wolf duties were calling.

I shrug to myself before making the few last steps to his room. I knock softly on the door and wait several moments.

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