Chapter 12: The Rink, Best Friends, and The Looks

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Chapter 12:

It was too early in the morning for anything, but apparently the schools didn't seem to realize that.

Neither did the person at the door.

I dragged myself out of bed and trudged to the front door. I began rubbing my eyes to clear them and I could imagine I looked like a little kid. Whatever.

I unlocked the door and slowly slid it open. It creaked eerily, and I made a memo to get Ty to oil it.


Emerald eyes met my own hazel ones. I let out a gasp and a wide smile spread across his face.

I could only imagine why. After all, I was wearing a pair of Eeyore PJ's and my hair was probably a horrid curly tangled mess.

 Maybe I should rethink not changing before answering the door next time. 

 "Morning," Jace breathed out.

"Good Morning," I whispered. It was too early to talk. "Wanna come in?"

"Sorry, I thought you'd be awake." he said in an apologetic voice. I gave him a small smile.

"It's fine. I was gonna get up soon anyways. Do you want some coffee or tea.....or breakfast?" I offered while fixing myself some tea and breakfast for Noah.

"It's okay. I ate before I came."

I nodded and began making eggs and toast. I heard a loud bang from upstairs and knew what that meant.

It was really odd actually. Noah fell off his bed every single day at the time

he had to wake up. I heard some shuffling upstairs before some pounding. 

Here he comes.

"JJWWWAAACCEE!" he cried and flung himself into Jace's lap. He chuckled before hugging Jace. Jace and Noah had formed a friendship over the past few days. 

"Sissy!" obviously he wasn't as excited to see me as Jace. 

"Morning Noah, come eat your breakfast." 

I made Jace some eggs too just invade he was hungry.

"So, I was wondering if you wanted me to drive you guys to school?"

"Yah! Can we? Pwweasee, Wainy!"

*Insert puppy dog face*

I needed to develop a resistant to that soon.

"I guess, if you're sure Jace?" I asked turning to the handsome boy.

"Yah, I can come everyday too."

"Oh, I don't know Jace. I don't want to intrude."

"No, I'd love it if you guys came."

I nodded and thanked Jace. Noah went for the more dramatic tactic.

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