Chapter 17: The Date and the Sealed Fate

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Aloha everyone! So here is the update! And don’t worry the action will pick up in the next chapter and then, the juicy stuff comes! I’m SO SO SO SO SO SO EXCITED TO WRITE IT :)

Anyways, I started my new story, which I renamed A Lady’s Promise. Here’s the summary:

            Lady Rosalyn knew little of love and family. Her father, still sour from the death of her mother, despises her, and the town seemed to as well. She was a Lady who didn't seem to follow the unspoken rules of society. She was 19 summers old and still not wed. As well, Rosalyn didn't hold the gift of sight. Her sight only consisted of a deep, endless black. Something she did not want to happen to her heart. When he father pays a man to have her hand in marriage because no one else would, Lady Rosalyn discovers many things. Her father would not change; he would always feel contempt toward her for tainting the family name. Rosalyn, with no way out, must follow through with the wedding she was sold into. She must act like a Lady and say nothing. After all, it's a lady's promise.

Please read and tell me what you think :D

Anywhooooo…this is the date chapter. I hope you like all the mushiness!

Chapter 17:

            Butterflies filled my stomach and my heart was jumping. It was almost time for the date, and only thoughts of anxiety ran through my mind.

            I jumped into the shower hoping that if I stayed in there longer, I would relax more, but it was no use.

I was too nervous. Too excited. Too happy.

            I dressed in one of the few nice clothes I had. I shopped less and less since my parent’s death. This one dress I had saved for a special occasion, and what could be more special than spending time with Jace, I braided my hair loosely to the side and a few tendrils fell in front of my face.

            I twirled in front of the mirror with my pale blue dress following. It fell to a bit above my knee, and the sundress had embroidered designs around the waist. It was simple and beautiful.

I slipped on my flats and went to the kitchen. I had gotten ready too early, so I had to sit there with my nerves bubbling more and more with each passing moment.

Noah was at his friend’s house, probably playing with Legos, and I sat on the chair listening to the quiet ticks that filled the house.

A ring sounded through the house, and I jumped to my feet. I smoothed down my dress and squired on some perfume before practically skipping to the door.

My heart starting beating erratically, and I felt my mind come to ease. It was like the rubber band stretched between was releasing, and my heart yearned his touch, his comfort.

I opened the door hesitantly, suddenly shy, but Jace took me into his arms. I threw my arms around him and breathed in his unique scent.

One that would always make me feel at home.

Jace was dressed in a deep blue dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up and some low dark jeans. He was incredibly handsome, and he stole my breath away.

            “Kitten, you look stunning, beautiful, and so much more. There are no words to describe how breathtaking you are,” Jace breathed out, and I felt a blush creep up my cheeks.

            “Thanks, you look very handsome,” and adorable, cute, strong, rugged. The list goes on and on, I thought. Jace took my hand and led me to his car. He opened the door and picked me up and lifted me into the truck.

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