Chapter 8: The Rumor and The Fairytale

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Hi! Happy New Year!!!! I hope everyone has a good year!

Anyways, i keep seeing this guy at the gym, and he looks exaclty like Taylor Lautner. No Joke! When i saw him I was like.......MAMAMAMMMAMAMA LOOK LOOK LOOOOKKKK!!!! I was about to go like have a panic attack when i realized.....Taylor Lautner wouldn't be in this small town in Texas. But i'm serious. It was like a Taylor Lautner look-alike, but with a little lesss muscle.....After all, not everyone has those muscles. 

So....I hope you like this chapter, and I uploaded because WindxDancer97!! :D I love your comments!! This chapter is sad though :( Booo hoooo  : ' (   Buuutt.....I hope you like it! ;)


Chapter 8:

With each step I took toward Noah’s school and away from Jace, my heart broke. I felt the odd ache in my heart and didn’t know why. I was being silly and stupid and blinked away my tears once I reached Noah’s preschool.

I was waiting next to the stairway to catch Noah when he would jump into my arms. Today, the parents waiting near me seemed to pay more attention to me. When the final bell rang, Noah flew down the stairs and into my arms.

When I began to walk away, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a blond woman with a sneer on her face. She looked at me with disgust and at Noah with disdain.

My anger was boiling at her attitude toward Noah, and he, seeing this, stuck his head on my shoulder and tightened his grip on my neck. I was usually not one for yelling and confrontation, but the way the snooty woman was treating Noah was awful, and I was about to go off on her when she spat out her thoughts.

            “Excuse me,” the woman sneered, ”You should be ashamed of yourself. We bring our children here to learn good things and be around good children. WE don’t want your……monster child to teach our children things. He could taint this school and our children’s mind. You know,” She continued, “ there is a school full f children like yours down the street. I suggest you call them up. I’m only looking out for the children and ……. your situation with your child. He mustn’t fit in here, but he might fit in at the other preschool.” The woman ended with a sickly sick voice.

I felt myself beginning to yell and stopped. It would be better if I talked in a normal voice and embarrass her for her assumption and rudeness. “M’am, you have no right to assume such things. If I did that, I would assume that you’re a female dog who divorced her husband. You can judge me however you want, but to judge a child, tells me that you’re so disappointed and dissatisfied in your life you decide you would judge infants. You’ll get it back someday. I would watch what you say to others because no one likes someone like that. For your information, I’m his sister, and I pity you. I pity you for being such a horrible person who no one seems to like around here. Now, your son is coming. Like the nice person I am, I will not subject your child to such cruelty, even though, you did it to Noah. Plus, the things I will be saying are true. Now you put on a fake smile and leave. I’m sorry for being so blunt, but when you insult my brother, I’m not gonna be sweetest person. Bye,” I said in a similar sweet voice. I sent her a smile and left.

I was angry but pretended I was alright for Noah’s sake.

            “Sissy, what happened?” Noah questioned.

            “We just disagreed on something, Noah. It’s okay. You just forget it, okay?” I said in a soothing voice. “You just go on and play upstairs,” I continued as we reached home.

I went into my bedroom and sighed. Am I a bad sister? I hope the children didn’t treat him that way. I was beginning to feel guilty about what I had said. I just got so angry because she insulted and put down Noah when she didn’t know anything about us. I was beginning to get riled up again, so I thought of something different.

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