Chapter 20: The Interrogation and Refusals

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………IM BACK!!!!

After a loooooonnnnng break from wattpad (as far as writing goes), I’ve decided to come back. My plan is to finish discovering reality (of course), then finish ALP, and write a new story, but let’s be honest; that’s not going to happen for a while.

I hope you enjoy this chapter!


Chapter 20

I was a melting pot of emotions. Why would they hurt Jace if they want him to lead them? Was this why Jace said we weren’t safe?

“What do you mean they won’t stop at anything? Don’t they care hurting you? Oh gosh, we have to hide you from everyone! Look at all they have done to you already! What are we going to do?” I babbled hysterically.

Jace placed a comforting hand around my waist and tugged me into his strong build. He enclosed me from my worries and wordlessly comforted me whilst he thought about his future.

No matter how many times I have been in his arms, the fireworks, the butterflies, and the love never diminish. They burst within me, under my skin, and in my heart. He never fails to make me lose my breath, and he never fails to get more of my heart.

It was several moments before Jace collected his thoughts, and when he was ready, he pulled us both to lie down on the bed. He pulled my head to lie on his chest, and I was able to detect the steady beat of his heart.

Bu Bum

Bu Bum

Bu Bum

Strong. Warm. Loyal. Just like my Jace.

“It’s going to be okay, kitten,” he cooed. “I mean, who could hurt this hunk of muscle?” Jace winked and smiled his dazzling, crooked (but still oh so perfect) smile at me. “They can’t find me here, and they don’t know about our connection. Noah, Tyler, and you will be perfectly safe”.

“Us? What about you? We are completely fine!” I exclaimed whilst slapping him on the chest. I readjusted my position so my chin rested on arm, so I could access his expression.

“After awhile, they’ll give up on me. Trust me, kitten. They’ll think I’ve run to someplace else. I just have to lay low for a bit and just go to places I know they won’t look.” He soothed whilst stroking my hair.

“Are you sure that they will let it go that easily, Jace” I inquired unconvinced.

“Do you trust me?” He bright green eyes pulled me in, and I was lost. Lost to his love. Lost to his touch. Lost to his heart.

“Of course. That’s a silly question” I giggled quietly. He sparkling eyes brightened (even more if that was possible), and it was like I was looking into my own night light.

“I love you, Rain,” he whispered, and his gaze enraptured me. “I will do anything to stay with you and keep you all safe.”

I sent him a warm smile and leaned forward to connect our lips in a short but emotion- filled kiss.

“And I love you, you hunk of muscle” I winked and wrenched myself away from his tickling fingers that endeavored to capture me.

~the next morning~

I woke up the next morning to silence.

…..and promptly launched myself out of my bed in fear. I hurdled over my backpack and raced out of my room in search of Noah.

It was late, and I couldn’t hear him.

“NOAH!” I cried. “NOAH, WHERE ARE YOU!” I stumbled over the stairs in an attempt to get up more quickly.

I wrenched the door to his room open and massacred his comforter in an attempt to find him. My heart was racing and my mind was the race track.

What if someone had hurt him?

What if he’s scared?

How would I find him?

And not once did I stop to consider that Jace had slept over the night before.

To make matters worse, as I was flinging the clothes out of his closet to see if he was buried underneath the monumental pile of clothing, I stomped on a leggo.


“Wa are wu dwuing?” A young voice piped.

I immediately turned around and scooped up the little rascal. I squeezed him until my heart stopped beating out of my chest and promptly began to scold him.

“Why didn’t you answer me Noah?” and I turned to face an amused (and drool worthy) Jace. “And you! You could have woken me up…you meanie! I was worried sick! And I stepped on a leggo!” I groaned and turned away because I knew what faced me.

The pouty face. Times two.

Noah and Jace attached themselves to my leg and peered up at me with their undeniably cute faces.


“Wew sowwy, Wainy” Noah mewed. “We wewh pwaying outside”

“Oh alright, just get up off the ground. Your starting to pull my pajama pants down”

….oh why did I say that….

Heat rushed to my cheeks and Jace playfully tugged on my pants before getting up.

“Wouldn’t that be a travesty” he winked and pulled Noah and I down the stairs and out the door.

“Wait! I can’t leave the house like this! What are you doing Jace!” I whined. “Jace, let me go!”

~~~Later that morning~~~

“I can’t believe you made me go to IHOP looking like this” I moaned whilst covering my face. The less people could identify me with, the better.

Jace merely chucked and pulled my hand off my face before kissing until I was to dazed to whine again.

Will my heart ever stop beating so fast?

Still on cloud nine, I tried to align the teacup to my face before further embarrassing myself.

Jace: 1. Rain: 0.

I cleared my throat before suggesting something to do.

“Well. I think we should relax the rest of the day and watch movies.”

“YESSS!!! NARNIA! NARNIA! NARNIA!” Noah chanted whilst pumping his fist into the air.

I groaned quietly before sneaking a peek at Jace who seemed content with watching that movie. I remembered that he hadn’t watched any of them before.

Those were the days. Ignorance is bliss. The days before Noah became obsessed.

And although it probably wasn’t my first pick for a movie, knowing that Noah would be happy and Jace would be by my side made it more than bearable.

“Okay” I relented. “But I get to pick the candy!” I sung.

And then it was Noah’s turn to groan.

Well, I hope you enjoyed it. I was kind of hard to get back into the grove of things but hopefully, I’ll have two more chapters up this weekend to kick things off running.

This was just a filler chapter (obviously), but the next one won’t be. Hopefully we will get to the part I’ve been waiting for by this weekend.

Thank you to all of those people who stuck around while I was gone.

I would really appreciate it if you could vote, comment, or follow me!


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