Chapter 11: The Toy, The Fight, and The Kiss

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Chapter 11:

My eyes flicked form side to side. Who should I address first? I let out a sigh before turning toward Adam. After all, he was kinda the guest.

            “Jace just came over to talk me, Adam. It’s all right.” I reassured him. Anger flashed across Adam’s face before he gave me slight nod and a tight lipped smile. I twisted around and squeezed Jace’s hand before telling him why Adam was here.

            “Adam, Kennedy, Cara, Leah, Amy, Noah, and I are going to the mall.” I nodded my head toward Noah when I said his name. I hesitated a moment before looking at Adam. “Do you wanna come? With us, I mean.”

Adam let out a strand guttural noise, and Jace seemed to glow after I asked him. He gave me a blinding smile and nodded. I sent a elated smile back and bent down to Noah’s level.

            “Guys, this is Noah. Noah this is Jace and Adam.” Noah sent them a big, crooked smile. “You ready, buddy? Go put on your coat. It’s cold outside.”

Noah ran off to grab his coat, and I could feel the tension in the room. When I stood up, Jace and Adam were sending daggers to each other. Jace also had a small smirk on his face. Noah came running back and headed out the door, pushing Adam to make room. I sent Adam a apologetic look.

I started to put on my jacket, and I felt a warm set of hands help me. I twisted my head to see Jace and gave him a thankful smile. As we walked out the door, I could see Adam in the car along with Noah.

Jace wrapped his arm around my waist, and I felt tingles everywhere. Electricity flowed between us, and we stopped walking. We simply stared at each other, lost in each other’s eyes. He deep, vibrant emerald eyes sparkled with happiness.

His slightly tan skin seemed to glow; his teeth were a blinding white. A honk interrupted the passionate moment, and I looked to see Noah waving his hands exaggeratedly, making odd motions.

I let out a giggle and heard and felt a deep rumbling behind me. Jace began walking and wrapped his arm around my waist again. I we climbed in the backseat of Adam’s car. I placed Noah in my lap to make room, and Jace grabbed my hand.

Noah kept wiggling in his seat, but I endured the whole trip without complaining. I endured Noah’s questions. I endured the girls gushing over Noah, and I endured Adam’s strange looks toward Jace and I.

            “I mean, I never knew someone could be…so………CUTE!” Leah squeaked.

            “I know right? I just want to squish his cheeks and squeeze him so tight… those little head things where the eyes pop out….BUT I DON”T WANT HIS EYES TO POP OUT!” yelled Kennedy.

Noah was smiling hesitantly and scooted toward me. I let out a chuckle and squished him. It was good that we were going out. Noah seemed to be happy and excited at the prospect of going to the mall.

The whole time Jace was rubbing circles on my hand and it sent tingles running through my hand. I blushed as I remembered he called me kitten when he apologized and was secretly pleased. I loved that pet name, but maybe, it was just because he called me it.

We were approaching a large building that was bursting with people entering and exiting. We spent 15 minutes finding a parking spot, and finally, Adam started to follow people to see where to park. We ended up following an elderly couple that took 10 minutes to walk there. All in all, we spent thirty minutes yelling at Adam telling him where to go.

Noah was sitting on my lap giggling at everyone’s annoyed face, and Jace laid his arm across my shoulder and was watching everyone with amusiment as well.

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