Chapter 5: Fireworks and The Growl

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Hola Crayolas! I hope you like this chapter! :D PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE!!  I also had to retype the chapter because I lost it and it made me sad :( RAWRR!! Anyways, enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 5:

It started lightly raining as I was walking toward the pre-school near our house to pick up Noah from his first day at pre-school. 

I waited at the bottom of the stairs of the school. The door burst open, and a herd of little kids rushed out to their parents. I felt sorry for little Noah; he only had me, and I didn’t want him to feel left out because he didn’t have parents. Luckily, the thought didn’t occur to him as he rushed out with several boys (also wearing Cars t-shirts) and jumped into my arms. Mothers and Fathers gave me curious and even disapproving looks, obviously thinking I was Noah’s mother. I grew slightly angry. They didn’t know me and didn’t have the right to assume things that weren’t true. I hoped parents wouldn’t make their kids ignore Noah because they thought so.

I hugged Noah closer, and Noah said bye to his new buddies. I smiled at them before heading down the sidewalk to our house.

            “It was so coolio! Sissy, we pwayed and my frwiends like Cars too!!” Noah gushed about his first day, and I listened patiently, nodding and smiling at him. He seemed so happy. His face was split into a smile, and he let out giggles every now and then.

When we got home, Noah went and sat in his chair, so I could feed him a snack. I chopped up some apples and spread some peanut butter on one side of the apple and jelly on the other. It was Noah’s favorite snack.

            “Yay! Apples wit’ Peanut Jelly!” He yelled excitedly.

I cracked a smile at his enthusiasm and his odd sentence. After he had finished, I sent him off to play with his toys while I applied to some jobs near our house with good hours and good pay. When I was finished, I made us some chicken nuggets for dinner and left some in the fridge for Ty because he would probably be hungry when he came home late tonight. We finished eating, and Noah went to sleep while I finished my homework.

Thoughts of Jace consumed my mind before I fell asleep


The next day at school was much like the first. The people who didn’t notice me yesterday, noticed me today, but it wasn’t that bad. Again, the gossip in the hallway was about Jace, but now it was about his appearance in PE yesterday. I hurried quickly to my locker and met up with Kennedy. Soon enough, it was lunch. Amy, Cara, Kennedy, Leah talked about Jace again, and I listened, hoping for some information to make sure that Jace was definitely the guy in the woods. My ears perked up as I heard them begin to talk about his looks.

            “I know….I mean, he has that perfect black hair, and those….those….emerald eyes….UGH! Sooooooooo hot and Cute!!” exclaimed Amy.

I gained the courage to ask them the question on my mind.

            “D-Did he come out of the forest a couple days ago?” I asked nervously.

            “Yah! Did you see him or something?” asked Kennedy.

I didn’t know whether to tell them the truth or not. If I did tell the truth then, I would be forced to tell the whole story, and I didn’t understand much of it myself. How would I explain his cuts healing when I didn’t understand?

            “I just saw him leave the forest. Ummm….I think I’m going to go to the library before the bell to check out a book. Is that okay?” I asked.

            “Sure, just make sure you tell me what happened later. M’kay? The library is just down the hall to your right. See you later!” Answered Kennedy.

I hurried out of the cafeteria and into the library. The forest boy was definitely Jace. I headed towards the back and looked around. It seemed as though no one was here. I sat down in one of the chairs, and a shadow fell upon me. It was one that I recognized after seeing it several times already. I whipped my head back to see no one there. I turned my head forward again to see someone seated in front of me. He had black hair that swept across his forehead hiding his eyes. He was dressed in a grey shirt loose but tight enough to hint his large muscles. He was wearing black jeans and a black jacket. He brought his head up, and his eyes stared into my own. He gazed at me with tenderness and something else.

My palms grew sweaty, my cheeks grew rosy, and my heat beat swiftly. He flashed a small smirk (maybe even a small smile).

            “Hey, I’m Jace.” He said with his voice vibrating through his chest. “You’re Rain, right? You’re new?” I nodded back to both, scared that if I talked, my voice would tremble from being so nervous. More blood rushed to my cheeks when he then placed his hands over mine on the table, and fireworks began erupting. Calmness and serenity surrounded me and suddenly I felt comfortable and stupid for being so nervous around him.

            “I can show you to your other classes. If you want?” He asked quietly. As though if he spoke louder, he would break me.

            “Sure.” I replied in a stronger voice then I thought I would. I handed him my schedule and watched as his eyes swept across the page.

He picked my backpack up off the ground. His muscles barely straining against the weight of my heavy books, and he took my hand. He sent me a smile that left me dazed and tugged me towards the door. The stupid fireworks wouldn’t let up. As we exited the library, I noticed that there were many students crowded around in the hallway. They all seemed to notice us as I noticed them. Their eyes zeroed in on our intertwined hand. Whispers of the “new girl” and the “bad boy” filled the hallway.

Then, someone bumped into me sending me to the floor. I looked up to see the boy send me a smirk, showing me that he did it on purpose. Jace had noticed too, and before I had time to react, he jumped in front of me, and a ferocious growl ripped through his chest and vibrated through the hallway.


I hope you guys like it!!  Please Comment and Vote!! It would mean a lot!!



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