Chapter 3 - Dancing Penguins and The Nightmare

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Hey peoples! First of all, Thanks for reading! I hope you all had a great Christmas ‘cause I know I did! In this Chapter, we’ll be meeting Noah (I’m sooo excited) and Tyler :D! COMMENT and VOTE PLEASE!

Thanx :P

P.S. If your wondering when the action really begins, I would say that in the next chapter or 2, you’ll begin to know the mystery man and see is awesomeness! Rain will start school soon as well!

Go Ahead! Read!

Chapter 3:

            I was beginning to cut up some vegetables to make Noah’s favorite food. I put the vegetables in the pan and began to stir-fry it when I heard a noise from the door. A smile swept across my face, and I stared expectantly at the door near the kitchen. I quickly washed my hands, and a loud smack came from behind me. I turned across fast enough to catch the small bundle of joy and hugged him close.

            “Wayn!” Noah squeaked from my arms. I squeezed him tight and held him on my hips. His brown mop of hair was beginning to grow long wiping at his forehead. I brushed aside his hair to his beautiful light brown eyes. They’d always remind me of caramel. He wiggled a bit in my arms in order to get down. I knelt down to let home go, and instead, he hugged my legs. I let out a laugh and looked up to see Tyler. He was leaning against the door, smiling at Noah and I. His almost-black hair was cut short, and his hazel eyes were sparkling.

            “Hey Ty! How was the movie?” I asked, knowing that he was going to say it was great in front of Noah when he probably didn’t like the movie. After all, he was 22 and apparently, to old for a movie about dancing penguins. He stuck his tongue out at me before replying.

            “It was great! You should have been there ‘cause Noah sang and danced to every song in the movie, along with the other hundred kids in there!” He exclaimed with fake enthusiasm. I could see in his eyes, though, that he was happy because Noah was happy. Noah hearing of his actions began to reenact them.

Wobbling oddly on his feet, Noah began to sing in his high-pitched voice. “Baby dun du duuuuun,” He sung. He wiggles his arms a bit, and I realized he was imitating a penguin. He didn’t seem to know the song very well and continued on with his dun’s until he seemed to reach the chorus, which he knew.

“Dun Dun be tonight, Come hit me up! Come hit me up! Dun dun duuuuuuuuun! Ta-Da!” Noah seemed to have finished. “Did wu like it? Huh? Huh? More?” He asked quickly with the eagerness of a child who just ate 2 buckets of candy.

“It was wonderful, Noah! How about we dance instead, huh?” I said as Ty turned up the radio and played an up-beat song that I didn’t know the name of.

I grabbed his hand and placed his feet on my own. We slowly began to sway and Noah began jumping on my toes, squishing them, so I swung him up into my arms and began jumping and spinning in tune with the song as it began to pick up. I looked at Ty quickly and jumped next to him to hand him Noah, and I watched Ty jump with and swing Noah. By now, Noah was giggling hysterically, and I realized that I was smiling and laughing too. This is what my parents would have wanted. They would want us to be happy and have fun.

After switching Noah between Ty and me, we all fell to the floor completely tired. The radio started to play a slow song, so I grabbed Noah’s hand and held him close to me as we swayed and sent a quick smile to Ty. By the time the song ended, Noah had fallen asleep, and my stir-fry was done. Ty went to put Noah up to bed, and we began to eat dinner without Noah because he had dinner at the movies.

“Rain,” Tyler started, “I’m sorry for moving us up here. I mean you have to go to school, and take of Noah; it’s so much work for a seventeen year old. Mom would n-never have….” He trailed of and coughed.

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