Chapter 16: The Scratch and Mama Bear

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Hello Peoples! I’m soooooo happy! This story is up to 7,000 reads! 7,000! I’m freaking out right now! Anyways, I like writing sooo much, and I have so many ideas for stories in my brain. Anyways, I’m gonna start a new story :D

I’m so so so so so so so so so sorry for not uploading! Forgive me?

 *insert extremely cute puppy dog face*

It’s going to be a historical fiction, and it will be set in the Victorian Era! Whoop! Whoop! I’m excited at the prospect of writing this story :)

So, this chapter is one before the date. Overall, its kind of a filler chapter. Just romance…no conflicts, secrets, or action. That picks up in about 2 or 3 chapters.

Anywhoooo………..Onward with reading!

Chapter 16:

That night, Jace came to our house. While he and Noah played, I did my homework. I tapped my pencil against my cheek as I pondered on the problem.

I thought, and thought, but my mind kept drifting off to thoughts of this afternoon with Jace.

My heart jumped into my throat, and I was sure Jace could hear my heartbeat from upstairs. I sighed contently because I was truly happy. I had Jace. Noah had Jace. We had Jace.

I closed my books after admitting defeat and decided I would do it tomorrow morning. I slowly sat up and stretched my arms and legs. I packed my backpack and headed upstairs.

I walked toward the game room and leaned against the door watching them. Noah and Jace were playing with legos. Jace was making intricate stuff and giving it to Noah to play with, and I smiled at the site.

            “Alright, Noah. It’s time for bed,” I called out into the room. Both boys’ heads snapped in my direction. Jace faced slowly formed into a smile, while Noah frowned.

            “But, Wayne…..Jwace is hwere!” Noah whined.

Jace, seeing my predicament, decided to help out.

            “Come on, buddy. I’ll tuck you in.” Jace stated while picking things up. I bent down to help him, and Noah sang the clean up song.

            “Clean up, Clean up! Everybody everywhere! Clean up, Clean up!” his high voice rang out, and I let out some giggles. Even though we finished cleaning up, Noah continued singing.

Jace gently took hold of my hand and pulled my up and into his arms. He slowly began to sway us at an offbeat tempo, but it didn’t matter.

I was with Jace, and that’s what mattered.

Noah began to tug on Jace’s pant leg. Jace took his into his arms and pretended to be an airplane.

I went to grab Noah’s PJ’s with dinosaurs and went to the game room. Only to see that they weren’t there. I walked into Noah’s room to see Jace telling him a story.

            “….and the princess fell in love with the boy. They had a happy family with a little boy named Noah-“

            “that’s my name!” Noah exclaimed. Jace sent him a smile before continuing.

            “The boy loved the princess very much. He hoped they would live happily ever after……And they did.” Jace whispered, once seeing Noah was drifting off.

Jace smoothed down Noah’s hair and walked towards me. He hugged me and place a kiss upon my head. I sighed before stepping out of his arms contently.

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