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One year later

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One year later.

9:14 pm

"Yes, find as soon as possible."

Baekhyun hung up with a sigh leaving his lips, as his fingers brushed his hair a little harshly with frustration and slipped off his blazer which he threw it off on the bed without caring if it was thrown well or not.

He was back home from a client meeting with his dad, but even in the meeting he couldn't grasp his attention towards it because a certain someone in his heart had worried him this much.

Taking a seat by the edge of his bed, he leaned forward placing his elbows on his thigh while dialing the number as he pressed the phone against his ear with his head tilted down.

As he heard the number being unavailable yet again, his fingers ran through his hair frustratingly and gulped harshly as his lower lip got tugged by his teeth.

Licking his lips, he let out a sigh with a mumble after. "Please be okay, Daisy."

It was a day before yesterday he had talked to you about you coming back since your course was finished and all of you were going to graduate in a few days but your words had left him in dismay when you informed him not being able to come back for another week since all the flights were booked already.

He was sad but it's not like you wanted that to happen so he let it go but then after the next day, he couldn't reach out to you no matter how many times he called and your number was unreachable and it had him worried yet scared.

Hence, he was trying to book a flight and had called Yeong to do the task but it seemed like things weren't going his way.

His eyes averted back to the screen where he noticed the time which was almost past ten and in a few moments, the date would change with a knock of his birthday but he wasn't in the mood to celebrate now.

Hopping off his bed, he headed towards his washroom to wash up and to sleep quickly before his mind could explode by too much thinking.


The clock struck 11:35 when you pushed the password of his apartment cautiously and silently and as soon as you succeeded, a sigh of relief escaped from your lips.

Palming your chest, you gulped. "Why do I feel like I'm intruding in his house?"

Carefully pushing the door, you stepped inside tiptoeing while closing the door behind silently before turning around to look around and a nostalgic feeling hit the back of your head hardly as your eyes roamed around the whole place bringing some beautiful memories of you both.

Slipping your feet into your slippers, you walked inside further into the living room while sliding off the purse from your shoulder to put it on the couch where a warm smile crept on your lips as your fingers traced the counter of the kitchen.

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