44~ Leave

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Sapphire's Pov

As I woke up at an empty bed without Jungkook and he is nowhere to be seen, I decided to make a coffee for him, as he was so good with me last night, so good, so gentle.

The coffee mug slips from my hand to see the scene in front of my eyes, the mug shatters into pieces and my heart shattered into million pieces to see Jungkook is fucking Anna's mouth.

His eyes meet mine and that goes wide to see me, my heart clench to see them like this. I waste no time and run from there. This is too much for my heart.

"Wait, Sophie-" he calls my name but nothing is bothering me right now more than anything that he was fucking Anna where I was thinking that he might change but, no.

That's a big no.

Stepping inside Nicolas's room because I know he is gonna attack me if I enter my room, I lay down beside Nicolas, pull him closer to me, he squints his eyes once and gives a warm smile, then buries his head on my chest.

My heart is aching, breaking, and bleeding invisibly, no one is watching how badly, how brutally my heart is breaking without creating any sound but still, this is the most horrible sound compared to anything.

I hear him entering the room but I didn't look at him, tears are flowing like a river and I can't help about that. I'm a human, not a robot that I wouldn't have any feelings.

"Sophie-" he softly calls out and that's it, my heart melts but I remain silent, he should not behave well with me and then fucking around with other girls, this is not fair, not to me. I'm a soft-hearted person and I can't take too much pain from someone I love. I would probably die if these keep happening to me endlessly.

"Please, get out, I don't want to talk about anything right now-" I say like a whisper, my throat is heavy, paining and I could burst into tears anytime, but I don't have any intention to cry in front of him, he doesn't deserve my tears.

The bed sinks and I can feel him climbs on the bed, I gulp dryly. He clutches my forearm and tries to make me look at him but I refused, I can't look at him right now, my pain is unbearable, I can't.

"Baby, I can explain-" he whispers into my ear and I squeeze my eyes shut, I don't want to hear anything right now, not after he fucked another girl, that girl was no other than Anna, the maid here, I would never talk to her, never. How would I be able to talk to her after what I see today?

"Jungkook, I don't want to talk about anything, please try to understand-' I plead, my heart is aching, breath is becoming heavy to heavier, why doesn't he just understand?

"But you have to, baby, let me clear up everything-" he softly kisses on my temple and my body jerks up, no, I don't want to fall for this, not any soft touches, not any softness of him. He is hurting me so brutally that, I might die someday by heart attack or something because his behaviour is hurting me in the worst possible way.

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