"Glad you liked it," he replied, winking at me.

"I want to give one back," I stated before my brain could catch up. But when it did, I still stood by it, and let my hands move down to where he'd hardened.

He kissed me again. "I already have you," he said, "what more can a man wish for?"

I slid out from under him, and lowered myself to the cold floor, by the edge of the bed. I beckoned him to me with a finger. He wasn't slow at all, moving the second he saw me waiting.

"This," he said, "this is what a man wishes for."

I chuckled, and pulled his boxers down as he lifted his butt slightly, swirling my tongue over his already wet tip as soon as it came free. His head fell back, and his hands balled into fists as he whispered, "I'm gonna wish for a blowjob every Christmas from now on."

The insinuation that we'd be together every Christmas did things to my body I wasn't ready to admit. Instead of thinking about it, I put a hand around his thickness and opened my mouth to welcome him.

The feel of his cock in my mouth ignited another fire like the one he'd just put out, and I was torn between loving hearing him moan and groan from the pleasure I was giving, and hating that I didn't climb on top of him instead. But we had all the time in the world, so I lifted my gaze and looked at him as my hand wrapped around his shaft, and my tongue swirled around his tip. He choked a laugh, before he said, "I don't believe that books alone has taught you this. Holy fuck."

"I have tried on my toys a few times," I said, grinning. His grip on the edge of the mattress tightened, and his thighs clenched. I smiled, very satisfied with myself, as I opened my mouth and pushed deep.

His head moved down my throat, pushing it open, as I still held his stare.

"I want to see that," he breathed, biting his lip as I moved back, circling him again and again with my tongue. I didn't doubt he wanted that, and I winked at him as I crated a rhythm, bobbing my head and pumping him with my hand.

He moaned my name a couple of times, his hand finding my head, helping the movement. His fingers entangled in my hair, his groans deepened and his body turned greedy. He pushed up to meet me, and I met him with an open mouth and moans of my own.

"Fuck yes," he breathed, before pulling my head back. He stared at me, his eyes darker than usual, as he groaned and used his free hand to pump himself. It was the hottest thing I'd ever seen; James so consumed by lust and pleasure that he seemed to lose control.

I secretly vowed to make him feel like that again and again, listening to his breathless moans as the warm streaks of his pleasure landed on my face. Closing my eyes and humming with satisfaction, I smiled widely.

James let go of my head and sank to the floor in front of me, pulling my hair from my face. He grinned wildly when I opened my eyes and looked at him, and he winked. "You look good in white," he muttered, before kissing me sweetly.

"I bet," I replied, returning the kiss.

There were no unfamiliar cars in the driveway, which meant no aunts or uncles were staying with us this season. I didn't mind it. Our little family had a lot to discuss anyway, so it was better that we'd have the privacy to do so.

Not that anyone addressed anything at all the first hour or so. It was just silence in the dining room. There were decorations on the mantle piece; the usual reindeer pulling Santa's sleigh, stockings with Nina's and mine initials on them, and a snow globe. That was about everything dad put out.

The rest, I'd found in one of the spare rooms used for storage. I'd hung mistletoes, garlands and lights while dad and Hank discussed how to roast the turkey properly, like every year. Nina had watched me and given inputs now and then, but she kept to herself on the couch. So I kept to myself with the decorations.

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