36~Joseph Michael Howell

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~September 15th~

I woke up to the sweet smell of waffles wafting through the open bedroom door. I held my bump as I slipped out of bed. I took my hair out of it's plait and my hair went curly as it fell around my shoulders. I chucked on a dressing gown and waddled to the kitchen. I heard humming and I walked to the door to see Dan at the stove cooking. I smiled as he turned round towards me. He walked to the door and joined me outside.

"Morning gorgeous." He greeted. He took my waist and guided me to the living room where there were two plates on the table. There were 2 candles in the middle and rose petals were set out on the table. Dan pulled out the red chair and I sat on it. Then he disappeared into the kitchen. I played with one of the petals, folding it into a small red square.

"My queen, your breakfast is served." Dan stated, walking into the room with three plates on his left arm and another in his right hand. He placed the plates on the table and took the covers off them. Infront of me was a plate of waffles, dusted with icing sugar with strawberries on top and some cream in a pot on the side. On another plate was a pile of american style pancakes with golden syrup in a small serving jug on the side. On the third was a pile of crumpets. On the fourth was 4 croissants with butter in a pot on the side. I didn't notice Dan leave until he came back in with another plate and a jug filled with orange juice. He set the plate down and lifted the cover to reveal British pancakes with a pot of sugar, a small pot of nutella and a small serving jug of lemon juice. Then he placed down the jug of orange and sat in his black chair. He poured the orange into both our glasses and held his toward me. I brought mine to touch his and smiled as they chimed upon contact. I brought the cool glass to my mouth and sipped the orange liquid. I placed it back on the table and helped myself to food.

"Hungry Jess?" Dan asked

"Eating for two." I stated, taking a bite of waffle.

"Fair enough. Joseph is a hungry boy."

"To be honest I can't believe you picked that name."


"I just thought you would pick something like Phil or James or Dil."

Dan chuckled "No, I like Joseph."

"Me too."

"Dan, Jess, Elsie and Joe."

"Daniel, Jessie, Elsie and Joseph."

"Our perfect little family."

~2 hours later~

Dan and I were sitting on the couch with Elsie playing with her toys on the floor when I heard the front door open. Then footsteps came running up the stairs and 8 people ran into the room; Phil, Cat, Madeline, Jim, Tanya, Alfie, Zoe and Liam (Alfie and Zoe's son). I smiled and then the pain started.

"Jess?" Dan asked.

"Dan, he is coming now." I panted.

Dan picked me up bridal style and put me into the car, phil opening doors for us while the others followed in their cars. We got to the hospital in 10 minutes and Dan carried me to the reception bridal style.

"My wife is in labour." Dan stated.

"Have her waters broken?" The receptionist asked.

At that moment my waters broke. "Yes." Dan told her.

A porter brought a wheelchair over and Dan placed me into it.

"Dan." I stated, my voice weak.

"I'll never leave you Jess. It's okay." He told me, holding my hand tightly.

I smiled as I was quickly pushed to the maternity ward. I was helped into a bed and my midwife walked in.

"Hello Jess and Dan. This baby is coming today." She told us, putting a plastic apron on. "let's see how far he is." I put my legs how she told me so she could see and a nurse handed me gas and air. I put it to my mouth and breathed in with every contraction, squeezing Dan's hand as well.

"Okay Jess, this is going to be a very quick labour. It should be over in about 10-20 minutes." My midwife informed me.

I nodded. Tears in my eyes. I looked at Dan and his concerned face seemed to melt and he smiled sweetly at me. He squeezed my hand and kissed my forehead. Then he took his free hand and wiped the tears away. I smiled at him. 'I love you' I mouthed.

'I love you too' Dan mouthed back.

"Okay Jess, one more big push and this baby will be born." The midwife told me. At the next contraction I pushed and my screams were replaced by the cries of a baby. I smiled at Dan and he laughed as the midwife lifted Joseph up. "Here's your baby boy."

She passed him to me, wrapped in a black towel. I looked at Dan and he smiled. I shook my head at him and held Joseph's hand. He had a smooth head with a hint of brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. He was perfect. Dan stroked his head and kissed him. Then I looked at Dan and he kissed my forehead.

Joseph Michael Howell was born on 15th September at 2:30pm. He was a healthy, happy baby boy at 7lb 7oz.

Everything was perfect.

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