25~Just when everything was getting okay

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~a month later~

I woke up to the sound of the TV in Phil's room. I sighed and looked at the time. It was 9:30. "Ugh" I groaned. I stretched myself out and breathed out heavily. Dan had been at Kate's overnight to see his kid so he wasn't there.

"Jess..." Phil knocked.

"Come in Phil." I answered.

"Zoe will be here in an hour and Tan will be here in about 30 minutes."

I looked at him with a confused expression for a moment before I remembered. Today I was going wedding dress shopping with Zoe and Tan. "Okay, I'll get changed now then." I stated. Phil left and I grabbed some clothes. I got in the shower and put on blue jeans that Jamie brought me, a light blue jumper and some tan ankle boots. I put my hair in a side plait and put on mascara, eyeliner, pink blusher and went for smokey eyes. When I was done I grabbed my bag and went into the living room. Then I saw her.

Kate was sitting on the couch with a baby on her lap in a black jumper and blue jeans. I stopped in my tracks and then she looked at me. She smiled and I felt sick. Elsie then ran round the corner and went to look at the baby.

"Is Dan here?" I asked.

"Yes, he just went to talk to Phil." Kate said.

I shook my head, rolled my eyes and lent out the door.

"Daniel!" I shouted down the hallway.

I saw brown eyes lean out of Phil's room and when he saw me his eyes went wide.

"Crap." He said. He closed the door behind him and walked over to me. "Jess, I thought you'd already gone."

"Why is she in there?" I asked.

"We thought it would be nice for Elsie to meet her half brother."

"Okay, so you didn't think to ask or even tell me?"

"Because I knew you would react like this." He started to raise his voice.

"Dan." I said calmly "calm down."

"No jess. You think I don't know you at all. You were not okay with me leaving you, you were crying when I went to see my kid be born. You would react like this, shouting that Elsie shouldn't see him. Well he is my kid, this is my house and this is my life. If you don't like it you know where the door is."

My eyes went wide. I couldn't believe what he just said. "Fine, let's count your sins then shall we? You cheated on me at least 3 times. At least twice with your best friends girlfriend. You had a kid that even you didn't know about. You jumped to conclusions with me! Do I have to continue?" I was shouting now. I had to shout to hold the tears in.

"Jess." Dan tried to hug me.

"No Dan. Sort yourself out, get back to me at the end of the day. I am willing to make this work, let's see if you can." I said quieter now pushing his hand off my arm. I walked off and went into our room. I grabbed my phone, laptop, makeup bag and one of Dan's T-shirts that I hid in the laptop so Dan couldn't see me carrying it.

I walked out and saw Dan walking up to me "Jess please..." I put my hand up to him and went to the nerd room. I locked the door behind me, chucked my stuff on the floor, opened my laptop, lied on the couch, hugged Dan's top and breathed his scent in. Then the tears started.

I don't know how long it was but after a while there was a knock at the door "Jess?" It was Zoe.

I got up and unlocked the door a crack. I peered out and saw Zoe and Tanya. I opened the door fully and they both hugged me. Tan shut the door again and we all sat on the couch. I put my head in my hands and sobbed more. My makeup was ruined by now anyway.

"Hey. It's okay." Tanya told me.

"I've ruined it haven't I." I thought out loud.

"No you haven't, he should've told you and he shouldn't have shouted." Zoe told me.

"Guys." I looked up


"I need to get a dress."

They smiled

"Okay." Tanya said. We got up and I redid my makeup and hair. When I finished we went downstairs. I poked my head into the living room and no one was in there. I went into Dan and I's room and Zoe and Tanya waited in the living room. Then I saw something I thought I'd never see...

Dan was laying on his bed, his laptop as close to him as it could be. It was playing one of our old colabs before any of this. Before we were going out, before we had a kid, before we were engaged. back when everything was so simple.

He still hadn't noticed me when he clicked on another of my videos. I heard his quiet sobs as he watched me singing with him in the car at playlist. I smiled and remembered that day vividly. Then I crept onto the bed and hugged him. Dan looked round at me. His eyes were red, his face was damp with tears, his hair was matted and his lips were chapped. He looked surprised and shocked. Then I kissed him.

"I'm so sorry Jess." He stated in between kisses

"I don't care anymore." I answered. "Where is Kate?"

"I asked them too leave."

Then there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I shouted.

Zoe walked in timidly "we should get going." She stated

"Yeah." I agreed. I got off the bed and said goodbye to Dan, Phil, Cat and then Elsie. Then Zoe, Tanya and I left.

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