34~first day

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~3 years later-5th September~

"Dan, is she ready yet?" I called down the stairs. Dan wanted to help Elsie get her bag ready for her first day at school.

"Give me two minutes!" Dan called back.

"Fine. But you're the one who wants to vlogg remember." I walked into the living room and put some of Elsie's toys away. Then Elsie bounded up to me. Her brown hair was split into two side plaits. The school uniform was a blue cardigan or jumper with black trousers/skirt, white or black socks and a white polo shirt. The school supplied blue 'work bags' and Dan and I brought her a black backpack that said 'the cat whiskers come from within'. Dan had brought it out in the Dan and Phil shop just so we could get it for Elsie. I smiled and guided her to the living room where Dan's camera was set up. We sat on the floor and Dan introduced his day in the life. When he finished he took his camera and put it in my handbag. We then walked to the car. Dan drove, I was in the passenger seat and Elsie was in the back. The school was 10 minutes drive away so we got there quite quickly. When we got out Dan locked the car and we started walking to the gates.

"Oh my gosh. It's Dan." Some teenagers squealed as we walked towards them. Dan smiled and said hi to them. Once he had autographed just about everything they were carrying we carried on to the gates. Then Elsie saw Emilia and Eduardo and ran over to them. I smiled at Dan and he intertwined our fingers. We went through the gates and saw Anna dropping the kids off.

"Jess, Dan." Anna called. She came over to us and hugged us.

"Hi Anna." I said.

We chatted for a while and then the kids had to go in. Elsie was already with children her age chatting. Dan and I pulled her away from the group for a few minutes to say bye. She ran off once we had done and went into the school. I smiled at Dan and we went back to the car and went home.

At home I went onto Tumblr and Dan went to make tea.

"SHIT!" Dan shouted. I heard a thump and put my laptop down. I went towards the kitchen to see Dan on the floor behind the door. He was completely soaked.

"Dan." I tutted. I opened the door and got a cloth. I went back to a flustered Dan. Hot tea all over him. I pulled his top off and chucked it to the side. I then took his jeans off so he was in just his underwear.

"I see, this was just a plan to get my clothes off." Dan stated.

I shook my head "Just clean up your mess Dan." I told him.

He started to pick up the broken clay on the floor and I wiped the floor. We did that until all traces of mugs and tea had gone. Then I helped Dan up and walked out. Or that's what I thought I did.

"OW!" I shouted, slamming my head into the glass door, rebounding into Dan. I heard chuckles behind me and hit Dan. Then I opened the door and walked to Dan and I's room. I grabbed some clean clothes for him and chucked them at him. Then Dan pulled me to him and kissed me. I smiled as we pulled away and I bit my lip. I felt myself go red and Dan smiled back at my embarrassment.

"You know what." Dan started. His face suddenly going serious.

"What?" I asked.

"I was thinking last night about our little family and I was thinking about kids and well I think I'm ready to add to our family."

"You want another kid?"

"If you do too. I don't want to pressure you or anything..." Dan started to babble "I mean we don't have to-"

I kissed him "yes." I said when we pulled away. "I would love to." I smiled into the next kiss as we fell onto the bed...

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