chapter fourty nine - five years in the future

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(listen to 'to build a home' whilst reading this)

I stood in front of the mirror smoothing down my dress and shaking out my hair. Today was the day; the day where my mom was finally getting married to the love of her life. The sun was shining brightly down in the orchards, dappling the shadows through the windows. Checking myself one last time in the mirror, I smiled, remembering the first time I had met my mom. That rainy night in New York; my life had been so different then. If I hadn't been in trouble that night or hadn't run to that specific door I would never have met Lizzie or Scarlett. My life would never had been laid out like this. If it hadn't been for Lizzie's kind heart I would've never even entered their house and well...I would've been back onto the streets with the very men that were chasing me.

I could tell I was getting emotional as I felt tears build up in the corners of my eyes so I decided that now was a good time to go and find everyone. Walking out of my room, I glanced down the long hallway, spotting a small group of people huddled around a window. Slowly I tiptoed towards them hoping they wouldn't notice me as I snuck up behind them wrapping my arms around the back two peoples shoulders.
"So...what are we looking at?"
Silence settled over the trio as they recognised my voice. I hadn't seen these three in about two years but I couldn't not invite my first real friends to my moms weddings. As my voice rang in their heads they realised who it was and they spun around screaming and shouting.
Lynn, Olive and James panicked excitedly in front of me buzzing and looking emotional. I hadn't seen them all in so long and they all looked so amazing! Rejoicing and hugging them all brought back the amazing memories of blissful summers at the beaches and cozy winters curled up around the fires or in bed together watching some crappy netlfix show. Having not seen them in so long, it still felt like nothing had changed, it just felt like old times when we had been seeing each other every day.

Over the years at college, we had all still called and texted each other but we had drifted slightly. With school work and other things happening in our lives we had never maganed to meet up as a four so this was finally the reunion all of us had looking fowards to. Unfortunately the long distance between me and Lynn was harder than we expected and as the school year was getting busier and we could never see each other, we decided to take a break - no hard feeling from anyone - yet we still texted and at the moment there was no awkwardness between us.
"omg maddie you look amazing!!"
"dude you look so good"
"THE DRESS" the three started squealing with exctiement again after we had passed our initial hellos and how are you's.
"thank you thank you!!! i cant beleive you all managed to make it im so happy!!"
"of couse we could make it!" Olive gushed happily, "we couldn't miss THE Scarlett Johansson and THE Lizzie Olsens wedding!! and we're definitely not here just too see our friend over the wedding"
I blushed shyly, they had never dropped the 'THE' joke since i had maybe mentioned one day that having Scar as a mum wasnt that big of a deal but hearing that they hadnt just come for the fame of it all and they really did want to see me made me so unbearably happy. However, having Scarlett and Lizzie as mums really was a big deal and for them to get married was an even bigger deal and i had realised that recently. Just seeing and hearing the effect of them getting married had on the world was amazing.
"well talking about THE Scarlett Johansson and THE Lizzie Olsen i think we should go and tak our seats otherwise we might miss the actual ceremony" wondered James, peering out the window onto the lawn and spotting people taking their seats.
"good idea" Lynn laughed, grabbing my hand and walking down the hallway with me towards the stairs.

" are you feeling?" lynn said quietly whilst walking down the stairs.
"um...nervous" i laughed "but also excited you know. i've watched these two women fall in love whilst raising a manic eight year old who constantly asked if two women could love each other...she got it from her dad...and as well as darling rose questioning them, i've also had to watch the media tear apart my mom for adopting me and then again for being with lizzie. however throughout all of it they've never given up, their love never dying and that spark always alight. they deserve the best day ever and the happiest life ahead of them."
"maddie thats so lovely" lynn soothed.
"plus i get another mum to spoil me lol" i laughed, winking at lynn.


*bridal music playing*

I held Rose's hand as we walked down the aisle together with Willow in front of us and Lizzie's sisters behind us. I could feel tears in my eyes, slightly blurring my vision but through the tears i could see the beautiful wedding layed out infront of me. The seats were packed with friends and family and the sun shone brightly. In the distance at the end of the large country manors garden, lay a vast lake, sparkling in the summer weather making the whole thing even more magical. Up at the seating area and aisle, Chris, Flo and Jeremy sat attently waiting their bestfriend, whilst moms parents were sat clutching each others hands emotionally. On the other side of the aisle, Lizzies parents and friends sat also awaiting the moment they'd see their daughter, friend and sister walk through the doors looking like a goddess.
Littered through the crowd you would suddenly see a mega famous face casually sat next to someone who was very much trying not to freak out which made me chuckle. At the front stood a very handsome looking rdj officiating the whole wedding in a smart suit and a tie. Above him stood a magnificant flower arch with roses and lilys displayed along side lilacs and dahlias framing the whole picture perfectly.
As I remebered to put one foot in front of another all the amazing memories started to flood my brain from the first night at home, to the spontaneous camping trip with Willow and Chris, to my first christmas with the gang, and to meeting florences family when we visited to england. All the most wondeful memories that I was so grateful to hold cherish yet they only seemed like the second chapter of my life! 

After reaching the end of the aisle, I placed myself down next to Flo and grabbed her hand excitedly, emotion overwhelimg me as I anticipated mom and Lizzie walking down the aisle. Whilst I gathered myself together slightly suddenly, Roberts voice rang through the crowd, informing us all that the time had come.
"family, friends please rise for the brides"
A silence washed over the crowd as we all stood turning to the door and seeing the two beautiful brides glide through like feathers from the finest of birds. We all watched in awe and admiration as the pair effortlessly swooned down the path with dresses flowing lightly behind them and hair cascading down their backs. Both brides had their hair down and both wore graceful pearly white dresses, yet they had managed to individualise their look to make it more personal and within this you could see their radiant personalities shine through that fit so perfectly together. As they reached the end of the ailse the guests all sat and it felt like the whole world fell silent and still for a minute, letting these two women pour all their love and affection into each other.
"Welcome friends and family, today we have gathered at this beautiful venue to celebrate the love between Scarlett Johansson and Elizabeth Olsen on their wedding day"

Listening to Downey's words about my moms, left the whole room weeping eyed and sniffly and when the officiating reached the vows, everyone was an absolute mess, with tears silently running down everyones faces.

"Lizzie, Elizabeth Olsen, when I first met you I knew you were special. When you first walked on set all that time ago, I could see the slight fear in your eyes, entering this completely new family and life yet you held your head high and by the end of the day it felt like you had been here the whole time. I tell myself that love at first sight doesn't exist yet after that first day I knew it was you and it always would be. However, you can't necessarily just announce your love to someone within the first week of knowing them so instead I befriended you first...and damn i'm happy I did, because now, not only are you my love but you're also my best friend and I couldn't ask for anyone better so thank you. thank you for being my bestfriend, for being the best girlfriend, for never giving up on me, and for always believing in me, especially when I knew I wanted Maddie to be my daughter after having only known her for two hours. so thank you darling and i love you so much."

"Scar, i'm gonna cry...god wait let me gather myself a second" the crowd chuckled through their own tears. "right ok there we go...I don't know where to start, god! Scarlett, you are genuinely the most wondeful person ever, and marrying you today is an absolute honour and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Just today, when i first saw you emerge from your room in your dress, it reminded me of our first date. I can vividly remember waiting outside your apartment panicking ithat maybe it was all a joke or prank and you didn't actually like me...yet when you walked out your door in that beautiful summer dress, all my worries melted away and I just blindly followed you like a lost puppy. however!..we were both so nervous that it ended up just being an awkward mess of unsure gays that had previously been just friends. Never the less, we didn't give up, the more dates we went on it, it all started feeling...right, like it was meant to be and years later here we are, we never gave up did we. To my other half, I love you endlessly...I love you 3000"

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