chapter fourty - home

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The sun set behind the Utah hills as Maddie and Willow dragged their tired feet along the hot pavement. They had been running for about ten minutes but seeing as no one was following them, they had slowed down to a walk. The only sound around them was the occasional car horn and the sprinklers watering the bleached and dry grass but the air was hot and heavy making it incredibly difficulty to keep up a consistent pace. Maddie slowed to stop as they reached the end of their neighbourhood and pulled out her phone.
Ten missed calls.
Ten missed calls from Scarlett worrying and caring about her. How did this women still care about her. She had put Scarlett through so much in the last week, Maddie was surprised Scarlett hadn't just given up on caring. As much as Maddie wanted to call Scarlett though, she didn't want to put her through any more pain. Maddie tucked her phone back into her pocket and grabbed willows hand, rounding the corner to continue their tiring trek to anywhere safer than where they had been. The orange light shone brightly behind them, stretching their shadows to be elongated and tall.

As the pair turned the corner they heard a car screech to a stop next to them and saw the door fly open making their stomachs drop in fear. However, instead of Jenny or Benji jumping out the car, the most familiar face appeared and sprinted towards them.
"Maddie! Maddie!"
"Scarlett...scar?" Maddie realised who it was, released willows hand and stumble-ran towards Scarlett falling into her and letting sobs rack her body in relief.
"Shush shush baby, I've got you now, you're safe your safe now"
Maddie fell deeper into Scarletts arms, feeling all her fear and doubt disappear and fade away. The whole atmosphere was like from a movie. Sun setting behind them. Pink clouds on the horizon. Silence of the neighbourhood around them. Things would be better now. Now that she was with Scarlett, she was safe.
Scarlett gently rubbed Maddie's back in comfort as she let her own tears run down her face. She had gotten her baby back and she was safe. She was safe now.
"I've..ive missed you so much" Maddie stuttered through sobs.
"Me too mads me too. A day hasn't gone by where I haven't thought about you. That first night I felt the worse I have in a very long time. I felt like I had let you down and I promised I'd get you back. I knew I'd get you back. I made a promise and I keep my promises. I just love you so much Maddie"
"I love you too mom"

Willow stood a few metres back watching the pair reunite, giving them space but also watching in longing for a relationship like this. Willow couldn't think of anyone that would ever be like this if they lost her. Except maybe....nope no one that she could think of. As she watched Maddie reunite with Scarlett (who she recognised but she couldn't think of where), willow felt someone approach and stand next to her. Silence settled over them before willow heard the person speak.
"Hi. I'm Chris" She heard a very comforting male voice from the man next to her and turned so she was facing him.
"Umm hi. I'm willow. I'm with...kind of with Maddie? I guess?"
"Oh cool. Also Willow! That's a beautiful name!"
"Really? I don't like it that much" she let out a small laugh.
"No I love it really! I'm with them by the way I'm not just some random man" Chris said indicating towards Scarlett and Maddie. "Just wanted to let you know so you wouldn't think I'm a creep"
Willow laughed in amusement. "Ahaha don't worry I knew you were with them. I saw you get out the car."
"Oh god yeah. Well that makes me look stupid."
"Na don't worry about it"

Once Maddie and Scarlett had been reunited and had spoken soothing words to each other, Lizzie climbed out the car and made her way over to them.
"Hey babe" she said to Scarlett. "Hey mads. Missed me?" Lizzie said with a smirk.
"LIZZIE! no one told me you were here!" And with that, Maddie broke into another round of tears until she suddenly stepped back with a realisation. "Wait a second. Babe? When did this happen? I've only been gone like three/four days!" She said through sobs and hiccups.
"When did what happen?" Scarlett asked.
"THIS" Maddie pointing between Scarlett and Lizzie laughing.
"I don't know what you mean" Lizzie giggled before pulling Maddie into a hug. "I've missed you mads even if you do expose me like that." Lizzie whispered into Maddie's ear.
"Sorry liz" Maddie whispered back with a smile on her face.

"And now then." Scarlett announced. "Who is this charming young person right here??" She said indicating towards Willow standing timidly next to Chris.
"Hi I'm willow."
"Hello willow. I'm Scarlett. This is Lizzie and then that's Chris. I hope he didn't annoy you too much"
"No he didn't don't worry. He was alright" she said with a giggle.
"Ummm alright? Only alright?" Chris asked in fake shock. "I expect better than that!"
"Okay fine....he wasn't too bad"
"Is that any better?" He asked. The group shrugged their shoulder before Maddie rolled her eyes and rescued willow from the situation that would turn into awkward silence.
"Mom she needs to come home with us" Maddie said bluntly
"In what way?"
"She has nowhere to go. Willow needs to come back with us"
"Willow do you want to come home with us?"
"Um I mean I have nowhere else to go" she said awkwardly with a timid smile.
"Well that's settled. Chris and Maddie get the bags. Lizzie you're driving. We're finally going home"

Hey yall.
Omgggg I hate this chapter a lot but I knew that it would take me about an hour to rewrite it and I need to go to sleep and I didn't want for you to go another day without a new chapter sooo...ta da here it is lmao help.
Yeah so this chapters a shit reunion but I promise (hopefully) the next few chapters will be better. Anyway.....
Love ya all
M xxx

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