chapter four - scarlett

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As Maddie and lizzie walked downstairs she noticed Scarlett curled up in the corner of the sofa absorbed by a book. Maddie stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do. She wasn't usually awkward but she was so star struck she just couldn't seem to function.
Seeing as Scarlett still hadn't noticed them, Lizzie walked over to her and snatched the book away.
Scarletts face totally changed.
She sprinted after Lizzie and tackled her to the ground. She crawled onto her, so she was straddling Lizzie's back and grabbed the book. Sitting there triumphantly she hissed into Lizzie's ear.
"Never take my book again."
Amused by this little outburst Maddie couldn't help but giggle. With confusion Scarlett turned around and looked at her. Them looked back at lizzie. Then back at Maddie.
"If you would kindly GET OFF ME. I can explain what is happening" Lizzie gasped as the weight of Scarlett on her back was slowly crushing her.
Scarlett climbed off Elizabeth and offered her a hand, helping her up and nodding towards Maddie.
"Care to explain?" Scarlett asked in a confused but amused tone.

A few minutes late Maddie found herself seated next to Elizabeth Olsen and opposite Scarlett Johansson.
"God that was a sentence I'd never thought I'd say" she thought.
She started to explain her story from when the men approached her, to her turning up on Scarletts doorstep. And how she didn't know where to go so turned to the first house. Obviously not expecting it to be Scarletts.
Scarlett and Lizzie sat there patiently and listened and saved their questions until the end.
When the story was finished they sat there in silence slowly taking it all in.
"I can go now if you would like? I mean the men are probably gone and I know my way back"
That was all that scarlett said. Maddie just sat there and waited until lizzie or scarlett said something.
Her thoughts were racing through her brain. Would they let her stay? She really didn't want to go back to Ms Roberts tonight. No one would miss her. No one would even noticed she was gone. Could she stay here for the night?
Eventually Scarlett spoke "So. Okay. Maddie." It seemed like she was struggling to get the words out. "Are your parents aware that you're here?"
The dreaded parent question. No one had asked her about her parents in years! Trying not to resurface any emotions she blankly said.
"My parents are dead. My mother died when I was two and i never knew my dad. I've lived in a foster home for seven years"
"I'm so sorry!" Scarlett said.
"Really there's no need to be sorry. I never really knew them and orphanages have been my life since I can remember."
Scarlett felt something stir in her that she had never felt before. Almost a motherly love for this child. She had her own daughter Rose and could never even imagine what it must be like to not have parents. She was taken aback at how strongly she worried for this girl and how she felt like she needed to care for her immediately.
"Okay. Well. Ummm. I'm really sorry if I come off awkward here I just..I be honest I don't know." Pause "why don't we call up your foster house and see if you could stay here for the night? Just so you wouldn't need to come to any harm walking back?"
Maddie had to pause for a minute there. Had SCARLETT JOHANSSON really just asked her to stay the night?
What the fawk.
"Ummm i mean of course. If that isn't too much of a hassle for you"
"Look. I wouldn't have offered it if I wouldn't have followed through with it. Give me ten minutes and I'll get everything sorted out. For now, Lizzie. Show her a room she can stay in tonight. And get her something to drink and eat. I'll be back in ten"

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