chapter thirty seven - rescue pt 1

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About 10 minutes later, Chris pulled up in his car with Lizzie in the passenger seat both looking worried. The minute Scarlett saw them she sprinted out the house, locked the door and climbed into the car. The ten minutes wait had seemed like eternity and Scarlett was rearing to go and find Maddie.
"You ready?" asked Chris.
"Not really no but we've got to get to her." Scarlett took in a shaky breath as Lizzie reached back to hold her hand and comfort her "Head for the highway and Lizzie can tell you where we can go from there"
"Sure thing"
The car screeched out into the road and sped onto the highway, heading towards wherever Maddie was. Luckily Utah was an hour ahead so when Maddie had called it was about 9am for Scarlett and the roads weren't too busy.

The trio drove for a little bit just getting out of LA until Lizzie pulled out her phone to check where Maddie had last been seen so they could determine which route they would take.
"9 hours?! Dude! We can't do that in one day!" Chris screeched, shocked at the time it would take to get there.
"Chris we're getting there today if it's the last thing we do. We can take it in turns driving but we're arriving there today" Lizzie explained forcefully. For the whole of this situation, Lizzie had been calm and contained, trying to keep it together for the sake of Scarlett but she knew sooner rather than later she'd break.
After looking at Maddie's most recent location on snap maps it had told them that she was in St George, Utah. A nine hour drive from Los Angeles and two states away. The moment lizzie had said St George, Scarlett had found directions, joined Facebook groups, joined community pages, joined high school pages, all in hope of seeing some information about where Maddie was. Even just someone commenting "a new girl joined today." - even that could help.
However, Scarlett hadn't found anything and since they didn't have the exact location, they were heading for the general city of St George.

The next few hours of the car ride were painful for Scarlett. She didn't even want to think about what might be happening to Maddie but she couldn't help it. What happened to her after she hung up? Did the women hurt her? Did she hurt the women? Did she escape? Did anyone help her? Questions filled her head as she became more and more panicked. Scarlett tried to text Maddie multiple times but received no response. Her head was bursting with questions and worries, making her want to curl into a ball and disappear.

Meanwhile, in St George, Maddie was locked in her bedroom; her phone had been taken away and all personal possession such as books, computer and art equipment had been confiscated. Jenny hadn't come back yet and neither had Benji. Maybe they would leave her in here all day?
This whole thing had started by literally just calling someone. Someone who she had just spent 3 months with, someone who was finally starting to feel like a family and then all of a sudden ripped away from her. During those three months, Maddie hadn't felt scared once, whilst in foster houses she was constantly anxious but over the last few months she had finally felt at peace, until now. Maddie had been absolutely terrified when Jenny had burst in, she had never seen this type of anger flow through anyone like this before, sure she'd seen angry people her whole life, but this was a mixture of anger, fear and pure horror. The whole incident began and ended in a blur and Maddie was just so confused at why Jenny was so upset by Maddie calling someone. Were they hiding something?!
A few hours later and Maddie was curled up in bed. She had practically spent the whole time being at this house in bed and it felt like her only place of safety. She usually had Loki with her though. Thinking about it, she hadn't seen Loki at all since she'd been back this morning and she was staring to worry.
"Loki.....Lokiiiii" no response.
After calling for a few minute, Maddie decided to climb out of bed and look for him instead. Nothing. He wasn't in the laundry basket, he wasn't in her wardrobe and he wasn't under her bed. He was literally nowhere.
"No no no no no" Maddie cried out for him louder. She couldn't have lost him, they had only been together a month.
"Loki Loki no no no please Loki"
Maddie sobbed harder and for about the fiftieth time in the last 24 hours, she fell onto her bed crying, this time however without Loki. 

Sorry this chapters pretty shit but it's kind of just a filler chapter :)
I'll try to update more often as well but recently my life's been really hectic so I haven't been able to write as much sorry.

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