chapter twenty three - first day

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Maddie nervously walked up to the front desk. Seeing as it was her first day, she didn't have a timetable so she had to go and ask for one. This whole school had a different atmospheres to her schools in nyc. It seemed more chill but had a strange feeling as well. It was definitely bigger than nyc so thats probably what it was.
After finding out her first period was history on the second floor she started running up the stairs until she realised that she didn't actually know where she was going. It was already 9:00am meaning she would be late to her first class.

Walking along the corridor she spotted a girl who was getting something out of her locker. Maddie quickly rushed up to her.
"Hey, um excuse me I'm new here and I was wondering if you knew where Mr Leigh's history class is?"
The girl turned around and Maddie was positive her heart stopped. She was the most beautiful girl ever. She had a slightly faded bubblegum pink bob and perfect eyeliner. She was a little bit taller than Maddie and was wearing a white oversized button down shirt and a black crop top with a black mini skirt as well. Omg. This girl was a literal angel.
"Oh yeah. It's just down here."
Together they walked down the hall until they reached a door reading A12.
"Good luck by the way. History's pretty shit."
"I wouldn't worry about it. I actually like it lol"
"Oh first person I've met that enjoys it. Wow. Better get in there wouldn't want you to miss everything" She winked. "I'm Lynn by the way"
"Oh um aha I'm Maddie"
"Well I'll see you around them Maddie"
And with that, Lynn walked off leaving Maddie in complete and utter awe. Maybe school wasn't that bad after all.

About 2 minutes late door opened, breaking Maddie out of her trance.
"Maddie Johansson. Hiya. You're late but i excuse you as it's your first day. Please come in"
Maddie nervously walked into the class seeing about 25 students stare at her. Yeah no. School was shit.
Mr Leigh introduced Maddie to the class before she awkwardly walked to an empty seat in the middle of the room. About half way through the lesson Maddie felt a tap on her shoulder.
"Excuse me. Are you related to Scarlett Johansson?"
Maddie didn't know how to answer that. She didn't want the whole school knowing. She knew her last name was Johansson but she could just say that they were distance cousins or something. Don't get her wrong! Scarlett was the best, most caring and loving person ever but Maddie didn't really want a lot of popularity.
"Yeah kinda"
"Do you want to sit with us at lunch?"
"I mean sure" Maddie didn't have anyone else to sit with.
"My names Brooklyn. And then that's Lilee. And that's McKenna." Brooklyn pointed to two other girls. One sitting at the very front and one sitting in the back corner. "We got separated for laughing too much"
Maddie laughed awkwardly. "Haha. That always happened with my friends." Lie. She didn't have any friends. "My names Maddie"
"Cool. Come find us at lunch and we can talk more"

The rest of history went by pretty slowly. But before she knew it, it was recess where she had to talk to one of the support team about how she was settling and then it was maths. Maths really was horrible. The teacher was lovely and understanding but she didn't understand any of it. And the time went sooooo slowly.
After what felt like 5 hours it was finally lunch, so Maddie made her way out the classroom; kind of just following where everyone else was going. Maddie walked into the cafeteria and went to get food. After getting food she stood there awkwardly until she saw Lilee waving at her from across the room. Weaving her way through the tables she made her way to the back corner where Lilee, Brooklyn and McKenna where sat. She sat down and was immediately bombarded with questions.
"Are you actually related to Scarlett Johansson? Are you famous? Is your house massive? Are you really rich? Do you know Chris Evans? Is he hot? Do you wanna fuck Sebastian Stan?"
That last question weirded Maddie out. The thing is, is they were asking about Scarlett and not here. Not that she wanted all the attention but Maddie knew they were using her.
"Yeah. I know her. We're kinda related I suppose, but I don't see her often. And I kind of know Chris Evans. And sure Sebs hot..."
The girls kept asking questions and Maddie answered them in a vague shape or form. Eventually the girls began to talk among themselves and a flash of pink caught Maddie's eye.

Looking across the cafeteria Maddie saw Lynn sitting with two people. A boy who looked a little bit like a cuter version of Shaggy from Scooby Doo and a beautiful mixed race girl with beautiful makeup and stunning braids. Lynn was laughing at something the boy had said. Her face filled with joy and she smiled with laughter. Maddie admired the way her eyes lit up and her joyous yet mysterious personality almost spilled out of her.
"Hey. Maddie we said who are you looking at!"
"Oh aha no one in particular"
The girls followed Maddie's eye line and were met with the closest boy near Lynn.
"Oh my god" they all squealed "Maddie liked James! Maddie likes James!"
"You were staring right at him!"
Maddie looked over at the table and saw the boy had raised his head at the mention of his name. They were so far away. How the hell had he managed to hear them? Anyway, Maddie saw James had waved at her. She waved back and noticed Lynn staring at her. Maddie gave her a quick smile then turned back around.
"Na. He's not really my type" Maddie smiled sweetly.
"Oh baby. Don't worry. He's nobody's type. That whole group - the pink girl included - are all a bit odd" Lilee explained.
"Yeah. He's odd. Like really odd. The people who are great though are them."
Brooklyn flirtatiously waved at the jocks/soccer boy table and they all cheered and waved. Maddie rolled her eyes but put on a fake smile.
"Oh wow...they seem...nice.."
"Right!" The three girls exclaimed.
Ugh. She needed to find new people to sit with tomorrow.

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