chapter one - maddie

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The fear was running through her veins. She couldn't stop. She had to get away.
Hearing the gang of men behind her, Maddie ran as fast as she could down the bustling night streets of new york city. It was true, the city never slept, yet no one seemed to be awake to see the incident unfolding before them. A group of 3 men were drunkenly chasing Maddie down the streets.
Maddie had been an orphan since the age of two. She had never known her dad and her mom had died before she could even remember. All she could remember about being a young child was being moved back and forth between different orphanages. At the age of 7 she had moved to New York City where Ms Roberts had fostered her. Well that is if you call living in a two bed apartment with 8 other girls fostering. The place was grimy and cramped. Ms Roberts didn't care about the girls, all they were to her was a way to make money. Sure she was friends with the other girls, but to be honest she could tell they didn't like her. Especially as she was the irrelevant middle one that got away with everything. And again. Sure, she was thankful to have a roof over her head, but she often wished someone nice would adopt her and she'd live a normal life with parents and a nice spacious house where she could have her own bedroom and do whatever she wanted with it.
But she didn't. She lived on the third floor of a tiny East Harlem apartment with 8 other girls.
So, having lived in New York for 7 years Maddie knew the way around it pretty well. However she never went over to the Upper West Side. Living in East Harlem, Upper West Side wasn't too far away but she felt so out of place there. Therefore she never went. Upper West Side was where all the celebrities and rich people live.
And she was most definitely not rich.
However this one might she found herself sprinting through Upper west side to get away from 3 drunk men. She had never been in this situation before. Ms Roberts used to have men over who took 'fancy' to her, but never had she been chased by three grown men wanting her. 

Maddie usually walked the streets of nyc alone at night to get out of the cramped apartment and tonight had seemed no different. She was dressed in cuffed jeans. A black top and a billie eilish sweatshirt. She always carried keys in one hand and pepper spray in another.
Just in case.
Walking through Central Park she had been approached by three men. They tried to tempt her into going to get a drink (but being 14 and not trusting any strangers) she politely declined their offer. As Maddie started to walk off, the men had tried to grab her. Using her pepper spray and keys she managed to kick herself free and she ran. Out the park and onto Columbus Avenue.
And here we find her. In a incoherent mess sprinting down W 89th Street..

Hi guys!
This is my first story I've ever written and I'm pretty excited about it! This ideas been in my head a while and I thought, why not turn it into a book!
Anyway, I hope you like it! We'll be meeting scarlett and lizzie in the next chapter so keep an eye out for an update!
Also if anyones had an experience like this has happento you I'm so so sorry. No one deserves to go through the pain of sexual harassment.
Ily guys. Stay strong.
M xox

Also I'm English btw and I have never been to nyc so I don't know if I got neighbourhoods and streets correct lol x

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