chapter twenty seven - civil war

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Once Maddie was in bed Scarlett immediately turned to the small group. These people were her closest friends and she knew she could talk to them about anything.
"I think I want to adopt Maddie"
Lizzie, Chris, Susan and Robert all turned around. Scarlett was certain that they'd support her whatever the choice but they'd ask a lot of questions.
"Are you sure?" Chris asked "we all love her but adoption is a whole other level to fostering"
"I'm sure. I've been thinking about it for a few days no and I cant leave it too late unless someone actually comes to adopt her"
"But honey what about work?" Susan asked concerned.
"I'll figure something out. I mean I have Rose don't I? And I manage her and work pretty well"
"Well yes but Rose spends half of her time with Romain and she can go to him when you're working abroad for a few months. With Maddie she doesn't have another parent she can spend time with when your working. And if you do go abroad to work for months at a time. Would you bring her with you? What would happen with school?"
Scarlett 100% knew that Robert was making a valid point but she couldn't bear to see Maddie get adopted by another family one day.
For the whole time lizzie had been quite quiet so Scarlett turned to her. She knew her and Maddie were close so surely Lizzie would agree with Scarlett?
"I can always look after her when your working. I only live round the corner"
Scarlett smiled and was about to respond but Chris got there first
"But would you be prepared to look after her a months at a time. And what if you were working at the same time?"
"Maddie could go to Scarletts parents!" Elizabeth shot back.
Scarlett didn't mean for this conversation to get heated, she merely wanted her friend opinion on the matter and they all seemed to have quite strong ones at that.
"Sorry guys i didn't mean for this to turn into an argument I was just asking for advice. If you really don't think it's a good idea I'll leave it for a few months then review it."

The room fell into a thought full silence until Chris spoke.
"Scar we do love you so much. And we love Maddie and we're not going to let anything happen to her"
"Exactly. We're always going to care for her no matter what. Even if she leaves you, she'll always be watched over by us. I mean that in the least creepy way" Scarlett laughed at Roberts remark.
"I'd say go for it now but if you're doubting it then leave it a few weeks yeah?" Lizzie said.
"Think about it for sure; and if you're 100% sure you want this we will support you I'm every step of the process" Robert said.
"Thanks I appreciate you all and I value your opinions highly so I'll leave it a few weeks then think about the long term affects it will have. But for now I'm going to bed. Goodnight"

Shorter chapter guys :)

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