chapter twenty four - car rides

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Maddie had been going to school for a few days now. To be honest, it wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. She still sat with Brooklyn, Lilee and McKenna even though they infuriated her to breaking point. The only reason she sat with them though was because she had no one else. Also they were popular and that gave her an advantage. As she was new, she didn't want to be bullied so, being popular meant that no matter how new you were nobody really picked on you.
However every minute she spent with them they were constantly wanting to come round and meet Scarlett. Or meet some of the marvel cast. Maddie kept making up things, like she really didn't know Scarlett that well, or that she was busy. Or some other bullshit excuse. This whole Johansson last name really wasn't beneficial. She had said it before and she'd say it as much as she needed, she loved Scarlett so much but she didn't realise that even if you had some relation to her people would use you.

It was Friday afternoon. The last day of the week. The first week of school nearly completed. Maddie sat in science. One of the worst lessons. The teacher was going on about some group project thing but Maddie wasn't really listening. She knew no one would want to go with her so she didn't really need to pay attention.
"And I will be putting you in groups"
Maddie quickly looked up. The teacher would be putting them in groups. Ugh. She'd probably be stuck with people that wouldn't actually want her in their group.
"Right. Fifth group. Maddie, James.... wait a second...and Olive."
Maddie looked up and saw the boy who had waved at her in the cafeteria high five the girl he was sitting with. Great, they were already friends and she would immediately feel unwanted. Maddie glumly looked down until she heard her name being called. She looked back up and saw Olive call her name and wave her over.
Her? She pointed at herself and they nodded.
Maddie quickly walked over (the lesson was ending in 5 minutes).
"Hey guys. If you don't want me in the group I can ask the teacher to move?"
"What!?" James asked shocked "of course not! we want you in the group! You seem really cool!"
"Yeah don't worry! Don't move. I'm olive by the way"
"Oh ok. Aha I'm Maddie"
"Look. Here's my phone number. Class is ending in two so I'll text you what we should do for the project when I get home"
"That's cool. Thanks"

At that moment the bell rang so Maddie went to collect her stuff and made her way out to the front of the school. For the first week Scarlett would pick her up and then she'd get the bus. So today would be the last day. Scanning the car park she spotted Scarletts car. Maddie quickly weaved her way through the car park. She reached the car and swung the door open, climbing into the passenger seat.
"Hey mom"
"Maddieeee! Hiiiiiiiiii! How was your day!"
Maddie quickly turned around. Incredibly confused at the little voice she just heard.
In the back sat Rose. Looking very excited at the sight of Maddie. Of course! Scarlett had mentioned that Rose was coming to stay soon!
"Hey Rose Bud! My day was very good thank you! How was yours?"
The little girl sat silently for a few seconds thinking about her day. Eventually you could see her forming an answer as her face lit up.
"It was super good! Me and daddy flew in a plane and then I got to see aunt Lizzie and them me and mummy went and got ice cream!"
"Oh wow! That sounds like an epic day!"
"Mhm" Rose nodded and soon got distracted by whatever she had been doing before Maddie had gotten into the car.
Maddie smiles and turned back around.
"So. Good day?"
"Yeah it was alright. I had science last thing which was kinda shit"
"Language" Scarlett smirked.
"Oh yeah sorry I forgot about Rose. But yeah, in science I've been put in a group project thingy with two people who seem quite nice which is good I suppose. But I still sit with Brooklyn and those people. It literally makes me cripple on the inside."
"Ahaha dramatic. Why do you still sit with them if it pains you so much?"
"There's no one else"
"You need to make friends with more people."
"Ah yes because that's so easy" Maddie laughed and stared out the window.

"Where are we going by the way?"
"We're going for a drive!" Maddie heard Rose chirp from the back.
"A drive?" Maddie looked at Scarlett. "Imaginative."
"Uh excuse me young lady. I don't like your attitude today. We're going for a drive and we're going to listen to music and put the top down"
* Gasp* "We're gonna put the car roof down?"
"Yes we are Rose bud. It will feel like we're flying!"
Maddie rolled her eyes and laughed.
"Cheered up already i see!"
"Shush" Maddie giggled.

The car pulled out onto the highway. Music was playing from the speakers and the cars roof was down. Maddie felt free. She felt alive. It felt like electricity was running through her veins as they sped down the highway. All the troubles and worries from the week were disappearing. She could hear Rose laughing behind her and could see Scarlett grinning next to her. This was her family. And she loved them both so much.

After about half an hour they pulled off the highway into a fast food place. They ordered food and continued driving to a hill. The car stopped and they could see the whole of LA below them. The sun was just starting to set over the hills of LA and the sky was turning pink. As they ate their food, Maddie thought about how she had only been here for a week and a half and already, she couldn't imagine ever leaving.
They finished everything up and climbed into the car. Maddie could hear Rose getting tired in the back and she herself was starting to get a little bit dozy.
"You can go to sleep honey. It will probably take about half an hour to get back"
Maddie nodded and slowly started to drift asleep.

Sorry this is a bit of a random chapter but I just...tbh idk why I wrote it. I mean the beginning of it with olive and James is going to lead somewhere but the rest idk lol 😂
Anyway I hope you're enjoying the book so far :)
M xox

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