chapter twenty five - birthday girl pt1

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Maddie woke up on Sunday to a knock on the door.
"Come in" she said groggily. It was 9:00am, therefore too early to be woken up.
"Mummy said that if it was past nice o'clock I could come and wake you up"
"And what's the time now?"
"Um I think it's nine"
"Really?" Maddie asked. Rose nodded eagerly. "Well....why don't you come and have cuddle with me and then we can get up?"
"Mhm sure. Fine them. But then we get up?"
"Yes. Then we can get up"
Rose walked over to Maddie's bed and climbed onto it.
"Come here little one"
Maddie grabbed Rose and rolled over, tickling her as they went making her squeal with laughter.
Although Maddie and Rose had only been together for a total of maybe a few days they were already very close. Considering Rose had no other siblings she looked up to Maddie and immediately attached onto her.

Hearing squealing coming from the bedrooms, Scarlett walked out the kitchen to find out was mess had been caused. Approaching Maddie's room she figured thats where the laughing was coming from so she went over and stood in the doorway. The sight made her heart throb with love. The bed was an absloute mess. The duvet was twisted around Maddie and Rose with them inside it both laughing and tickling each other. Scarlett had only sent Rose in 'gently' too wake Maddie up!
Out of the corner of her eye, Maddie spotted Scarlett standing in the doorway.

"Ahhhh quick!!! Hide!! We have an intruder!''
Rose immeadiately dived under the blanket. Maddie quickly glanced at Scarlett to see her grinning. Maddie knew Scarlett wouldn't be annoyed or anything, but she didnt want be too rough with Rose, and Scarlett not approve. After a few seconds of being under the blanket Rose popped her head out the top.
''Can we get up now''
Pretending she was deeply offended Maddie replied. ''Did you not enjoy our game?!''
''no i did but we've got a suprise for you today and i just dont want you to miss it''
Maddie looked over to Scarlett in confusion.
"Come into the kitchen and you'll see the first one but the second one will happen in a few hours?''
"the kitchen?! a few hours?''
Scarlett laughed ''just get ready and you'll see. Cmon Rose Bud''

And with that, Rose and Scarlett left the room leaving Maddie trying to rack her brain for anything signficant that was around this time of the years. Her starting school? Her having spent 3 weeks here? Her birthday was in a few days right? Or was it today? Maddie could never remember. She knew it sounded bad but nobody ever celeberated it so she had no reason to remeber it. The most someones ever really done for her birthday was a few years ago when one of the older girls in the house had gotten her some chocolate. Scarlett wouldnt even know, right? Would she? Maybe. Wanting to find out soon she quickly got showered, changed and ready for the day.

Maddie left her bedroom and entered the kitchen to see Scarlett and Maddie standing in front of the kitchen island blocking it from view. The curtains for glass doors onto the garden were shut but she didn't think much of it so she slowly asked what was happening.
"Guys what's the surprise......"
"Happy Birthday!!!"
The pair sprung apart to reveal a beautifully cake with massive '15' candles in the middle and stack of presents next to it. There were streamers and confetti all over the kitchen work surfaces and a poster that read 'Happy Birthday Mabbie' done by Rose as the d 's were backwards but Maddie didn't mind at all! Her birthday was today! And Scarlett had known and remembered! This was the nicest thing anyone's ever done; she could feel a few tears in her eyes. Maddie realised that she hadn't said anything but had just stood there in shock.
"Omg thank you so much" Maddie whispered with her voice wobbling slightly.
Noticing that Maddie was on the verge of tears, Scarlett rushed over to her to engulf her in a hug
"Aww baby don't cry. Happy birthday sweetheart! We love you so much and you deserve this so much!...If it's too much though we don't have to make too much of deal of the day and just go about like a normal day"
"It's absolutely perfect thank you so much really."
Rose ran over to comfort Maddie.
"We love you Maddie! Come and open your presents!"
She dragged Maddie over to the island and climbed onto a chair. Rose reached up to Maddie's face and wiped away a tear.
"Today's going to be a happy day. No tears"
Maddie's heart literally exploded. She hugged Rose so tight and whispered back.
"I love you so much Rose Bud"

Once Maddie had recovered from her little emotional moment Rose handed her a present.
"Open mine first"
Maddie took the gift off Rose and carefully unwrapped it. Inside was a rabbit teddy.
"It's so your other rabbit has a friend"
"Awww I love it so much! But how do you know I have a toy rabbit?"
"Oh....I may have slept with it one night..."
"Ahhhhh that's where she went ahaha"
Maddie smiled at the small girl. "Well I absolutely love it. It reminds me of you, so now my rabbit can be me and this one can be you and we'll always be together"

The rest of the morning was pure fun. They had eaten a delicious breakfast and Maddie had received a few gifts but had also been told she'd be getting more later. The gifts she had though were already enough! She had been given a new computer for school, some new clothes and shoes, an adorable mjolnir necklace and some more beautiful jewellery. She was obsessed with the necklace and she put it on immediately. When Maddie was trying her new shoes on she heard a knock on the door.
"I think that's for you" Scarlett said with a smirk.
Maddie walked over to the front door and swung it open only to see literally half the marvel cast standing there singing happy birthday!

I hope you like this chapter! Part two will be out tomorrow and sorry I didn't update one last night. The mjolnir necklace is real and I'm obsessed with it. I ordered it a few days ago and it arrived yesterday. I put a link above so if you copy and paste it into google hopefully it will come up. Also it's only £2.50 and uk delivery is free! I really recommend buying one!
Also the video at the top is an edit i made of vision and Wanda and I'd appreciate if you checked it out. It's fine if not though dw. I cant force you to do anything lmao. If you do watch it though thank you!
Yeah! I hope you enjoy this chapter!
M xox

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