Kabanata 12

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This chapter is dedicated to Miss Inksteady, your stories were very inspiring.


Kabanata 12

Saturday and we're finally off to sail. We leave the island of Euperra and they still haven't told me where we are heading.

The sun is so bright and its heat almost burn my skin. Lexus is holding his compass while his right hand is on the steering wheel of the ship.

I can say that he looks really cool on what he's doing and I can't stop myself from admiring.

The ship is heading North. The sea is calm and beautiful but I know it hides disaster.

"We're sailing the shortest route to go home." I heard Artius said to Vian.


Where are they taking me?

Umakyat ako sa poop deck kung nasaan si Lexus at nilapitan siya. Seryoso siya sa kanyang ginagawa at nang mapansin ako ay agad na lumingon.

"Are you hungry, my Queen?" tanong niya.

I shook my head.

"Saan tayo papunta, Lexus?" seryosong tanong ko.

Hindi kaagad siya nakasagot kaya napabuntong hininga ako. It's been half a month that I am with them. And I know a lot happened, he saved my life for the third time and he owned me like his real Queen.

My trust for him is shaking, doubts are starting to envelop my heart.

"You know I'm only going home to Cartes, right? Where are you taking me, Lexus?" sunod-sunod kong tanong.

"Cartes is not your home, Alice. Your home is with me." sagot niya na ikinailing ko.

"You have no right to take away my freedom. I know it was my mistake for entering your ship, but I didn't dream of being your Queen that in the first place I am not. Stop this fools, Lexus. You're only fooling yourself." I said.

I saw how pain crossed his eyes, I gulped. This is it again, I'm hurting him with my words.

"My heart can't be fooled, Alice. Not when it comes to you. You're going home with me, that's final." he gritted his teeth.

I saw how the veins of his arms formed, sign that he's upset so I have no choice but to leave him.

I walk directly towards his room which was he gave to me. I locked it and sat on the bed. I buried my face on my knees. His words keeps on repeating inside my head, it was like I can't disobey him.

Never in my life that I thought or planned to be someone's Queen. I only want to experience a free life. But everything changed when I met him. He changed everything.

Tears started to flow from my eyes. I can't hold them back. Why is this happening?

This feeling inside my heart that I only felt towards him isn't fake. It's starting to grow bigger but at the same time became more painful.

Why does he need to take me with him? Why is it that when it comes to him, my freedom isn't valued. What am I really to him?

He want me for him, he claimed me like his own. Nakakasakal.

I heard some knocks on the door but I did not bother to stand up and open it.

"Kapitana? This is Xen, would you mind if I come in?"

I sighed and opened the door. Xen's worried face welcomed me.

"Did he ordered you to talk to me?" agad kong tanong.

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