23. Twoset De-Gloved X: Christmas Plans

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Eddy continued to hold Brett's face in his hands.


In a daze, Brett stammered back ;

"Um.. yeah? Hey..?"

Eddy let out a chuckle.

"..Well, that was kinda random and cute. ..Are you okay..?"

Brett gave a shy smile as he nodded.

"...Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Dunno. You looked like you were in a daze just then. I just fantasised that I had some kind of magical powers over you. Now that was a pretty nice feeling to have. So now I'm just checking that you are alright? That, y'know, I haven't triggered you in any way and that.. you are.. um.. happy? That um, you... enjoyed what we just did..? Cos I, .. I really hope you did.. cos.. because.. I did. And I'm glad that.. um.. you didn't push me away."

Brett smiled.

"..It was.. great, Eddy. And no, I had no desire to push you away."

Eddy smiled. 

"Well, that's great to hear."

"And Eddy.."


"I think you do have some magical powers over me."

Eddy raised both his eyebrows, he then blushed till his ears went red, he then went silent. Seeing  Brett's response, Brett exclaimed;

"Whoa, what happened to you?!"


Brett grunted as he slapped the palm of his hand onto his forehead and he let out a groan.

"Brett...? Are you okay?"


"You sure?"

"OMG, Eddy, please, stop peering into my face, or I'm gonna die of embarrassment...!!!"

Eddy let out a chuckle.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. So! what are you doing for Christmas and New Year, Brett?"

Brett bit his lower lip.

"I.. I think I probably have to go and see my folks.."

Eddy raised an eyebrow.

"..You're making it sound like it's a major chore, Brett."

"Oh? Hmm. Ugh.I.. I suppose You're right, I just did, didn't I? It's probably because..you're right.  To be brutally honest, I'm not looking forward to this at all.."

Brett placed the palm of his hand on his forehead and groaned.

"..Brett, I take it You're not looking forward to this Christmas family gathering ?"

Brett frowned.

"To be brutally honest?? No, I'm not. I can think of 10.. 20? Really unpleasant things that I'd rather happen to me than go through this family gathering.."

Eddy cringed.

"I don't have any objectives I wanna work on. I don't have an agenda. I just wish they'd just back off and let me work things out on my own. I so don't need people throwing in their 2 cents worth.

And at my folks' place, There's gonna be all these awkward moments when I'll be asked like 100 questions and I'll be expected to answer all of them.. and Things can rapidly become very awkward and painful at these family gatherings.."

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