16. Twoset De-Gloved III: The (awkward) silence before the...

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"So Brett, do you prefer to make your cuppa with a coffee plunger or should I go get one of those coffee machines for us that makes them from those little pods?"

"I'm not a fan of those pod coffees Eddy.. they're not environmentally friendly."

"I suppose you have a point. I do have a coffee plunger but I don't particularly enjoy the coffee it makes.. I much rather just go out to the shops and buy myself a coffee made by my favourite barista.."

"Yeah, the coffee we got this morning was really nice."

Eddy smiled.

"I'm glad you liked it..."

Eddy suddenly inhaled sharply, then gasped as he let out a squawk like a strangled chicken as his distant cousin Ray had snuck up on him from behind and wrapped his arm around his neck.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeey little lovebirds, how are things going between you two?"

Oh my f*ckin' god

Eddy was just glad that Ray didn't try to put his arm around Brett.

"Ah, Ray, quit it..!"

"Why? This guy here is indeed that special someone to you, isn't he, little bro? I've seen how you look at him...!"

Eddy blushed.

"..That's private."

"Humph. Fine, be that way. I guess if I wanna find out about stuff I should've just asked the original source. So Brett, care to spill the beans?"

Brett gave a cold gaze to Ray, then to Eddy. Eddy felt his blood freeze.

"..I'll see you around if I ever see you again Eddy."

And with that, Brett quickly walked away.

Eddy's eyes widened as he hissed.

"N..no!! Oh my god Ray, shut the f*ck up!!! Brett, wait..!"

Brett had made a dash for the lift and once he stepped inside the empty carriage, he repeatedly pressed the close button in an attempt to get away as soon as possible. Seeing the lift door close caused pain in Eddy's chest. He turned around and screamed at his distant cousin;

"Oh no.. f*ck !!! RAY!! QUIT IT!!"

"Oh c'mon, little bro, what's the big deal?"

"Ray.. it is a big deal..!"

Eddy made a dash to the stairs. He looked up the staircases.. to go up.. 5 storeys..!!  He bit his lower lip and started to run up the stairs,  in a desperate attempt to get up to the top floor, where their tutorial room was before the lift did.

Brett was about to step out of the lift on the fifth floor and was astonished to see Eddy, almost completely out of breath, as he held the lift door open.

"Brett.. I'm.. so..sorry about Ray..."

Brett rolled his eyes.

"Eddy, this is very awkward.. I.. don't feel comfortable.. I.. I need a bit of space.. away from you.."

Eddy's eyes widened.

"Brett.. no.."

"Eddy, will you please step away from the door? I need to get through."

Eddy quickly shuffled aside and Brett walked briskly past him, hurrying down the corridor.

"B..Brett..!! Wait..!!"

Brett ignored Eddy and walked on.

"N, no.. Brett, please.."

"Hey, you two undergrads are in my journo class, aren't you?"

Brett stopped and looked up towards the person who spoke to them.

"..Professor Taylor, yes sir, we both are."

"How fortunate to find you two. I need a favour."

The professor handed Brett a set of keys.

"I urgently need my office library tidied up.. papers and books have been put back randomly in a complete mess. Can I leave it to you two gentlemen?"

Brett's voice was strained.

"Y.. yes sir. Of course."

Eddy's voice, on the other hand, had much more bounce.

"Yes, Professor, of course. We'll get onto it right after our morning tutorial session. Absolutely."

Eddy closed his eyes and scrunched up his face, holding back a grin. He secretly thanked the professor a thousand times for forcing them to be together in the professor's personal library, the small room adjacent to his office, to sort out his books and papers.

Eddy slowly cast his eyes towards Brett and when his eyes met Brett's sub-zero gaze, Eddy grimaced and stammered;

"S..so.. Brett.. it.. um..  looks like we're gonna be  stuck together in a room for a while sorting out papers and books, hey.."

Brett frowned.

"I'm not happy about this... at all."

Brett disappeared into the tutorial room.

Eddy ran his hands through his disheveled hair as he closed his eyes in an attempt not to let out a scream.  He wondered how on earth he could see Ray, that distant cousin of his again without strangling him with his bare hands.

And the rejection by Brett really pained him.  It hurt like hell and saddened him so much.  He dragged his feet as he entered the tutorial room and sat in the corner of the room, away from Brett, his crushed spirit had left the building, not an ounce of willingness left in him to listen and tune into the tutorial was left in Eddy.

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