21. Twoset De-Gloved VIII: The Wall

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"So.. Brett.."

"Y, yeah..?"

Duncan looked up and looked straight at Eddy.

"So.. can we just.. um.. y'know... just hang out and chat for a while..? Just the two of us.. please?"


So there was Duncan, holding Brett's hand, pleading for some lone time together.  And there was Eddy, trying so hard not to show that he was turning toxic waste green with jealousy. He suddenly saw a wall forming.. isolating Eddy from Brett. He felt a tight squeeze in his chest as he saw the wall building up. Higher and higher.

Eddy didn't like the feeling of being apart from Brett. He wanted to be close to him, feel close to him. Always be and feel close to him.


"Yes, Eddy?"

"It's up to you, mate. Will you be okay on your own?"

"..Little bro?"


"Oh f*ck. It's my little bro's sad voice.  Look, I'm glad you called me, but boy I hate getting these calls. I don't like my little bro sad.  What happened?."

"He said yes."

"Oh. Well.. I guess congratulations are in order then?"

"N, no..!!! There's a f*cking third wheel."

"Da f*ck?"

"Actually.. it's me. I.. I'm actually the f*cking third wheel..."

Eddy closed his eyes and tried to hold back his tears without much success.

"Eddy, where the f*ck are you now?"

"I.. I'm back in my dorm room."

"And where is latex boy?"

"Don't call him that...!!"

"Ugh, fine. So.. where is that little love of your life?"

"He... he's with his.. old crush."

"Da f*ck?! He has an ex?!"

"From when he was like 12 years old."

"Awwwww how super cute. Or perhaps he's promiscuous as f*ck.  Y'know those old crushes are kinda nasty y'know.. memories beautify with time. They become flawless. They're kinda hard to beat.

"Oh no.."

"Okay, Eddy my boy, I think uncle Ray should come and see you. I'm visiting a friend upstairs from where you are, I'll come down in like 10 minutes, alright?"


"So, Ray.. I... I'm jealous of this guy.. And I don't like the idea of Brett seeing this guy on his own..."

"Da f*ck!? Of course you f*cking don't!! Geez. Eddy, for someone who knows what he wants, you certainly have a funny way of showing it."

Eddy groaned.

"Little bro. Y'know what your Uncle Ray thinks?"

"No, Uncle Ray.. please tell me what you think."

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