13. Twoset Pre-Gloved: Dressed

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Brett sat on one side of Eddy's couch in his dorm room with his head held in the palms of his gloved hands. Eddy had laid out a throw, a large thin piece of fabric over the couch in order to convince Brett to sit down.

Brett sat still on the couch as tears fell onto his lap. Eddy sat, also immobilised, on the other side of the couch, not knowing what to say.

"Brett.. I'm.. so sorry."

"This is so.. f*cked up ..."

"I..I know. It really is so f*cked up.. I'm so sorry it's caused you so much pain. But you know it's not your fault, right? And it's not Duncan's fault either. For f*ck sake, you guys were so young.."

"Twelve.. I was frickin' twelve Eddy.. I.. I've felt filthy and disgusting since I was twelve.. for ten f*cking years...!!!"


Eddy gingerly reached out and placed his hand on Brett's shoulder. Brett flinched and looked up at Eddy, his eyes filled with tears and fear, as he scuttled away to remove himself from Eddy's touch, to the very corner of the sofa.

"N, no Eddy.. you.. you can't do that.."

"Do you want me to go wash my hands Brett?"

Brett nodded.

"Okay, I promise I will. But can I give you a hug first? I've already touched your shoulder."

Brett looked up and stared at Eddy. He shook his head.

"I.. I can't let you do that.."

"Why not?"

"Cos.. my.. skin might touch you. My hair might touch you.. In fact.. the clothes I'm wearing now.. will most definitely touch you if you hugged me."

Eddy looked at Brett intensely.

"So.. as long as your hair, skin or clothes don't directly touch me, it's okay?"

"Um.. I.. I don't know.. what, what are you thinking, Eddy?"

Eddy grabbed the hem of his hoody and swiftly pulled it over his head to remove it. He then placed the oversized clothing over Brett and dressed him in his hoody.

"Eddy, your clothes.."

"They're just clothing. I can launder it. You're okay with this, aren't you? Can you be okay with this? I insist I don't mind you wearing it."

"Um..okay..so long as you are gonna wash it later.."

"Yeah, I will. Okay, good."

Eddy wrapped his arms around Brett and pulled him in for a hug. Brett yelped in a mild panic.

"My hair..!! It's gonna touch you...!!!"

"Whoops, sorry, I forgot to dress you properly.."

Eddy grabbed the hood and placed it over Brett's head, holding the hem of the hood and using the soft cotton fabric to carefully collect and tuck Brett's hair into it.

"Okay, now we're good."

Brett still stammered in a slight panic.

"Are you sure..? I.. I can't let any part of me directly touch you.. I.. I can't.."

"I won't. We're not. We're good. And if you do.. I'll go shower, I promise. Okay?"

Brett nodded. Eddy pulled Brett into his arms. He held him close in silence for a while, then whispered.

"Brett, you can cry or scream or shout.. you can even hit me Brett. You can just let it all out."

Brett shook his head, mindful that his face would not rub against Eddy's T shirt.

"I'm.. not gonna.. hit you.. that's crazy.."

Brett did everything else though. He wrapped his arm around his mouth to suppress his anguished screams and cries as he felt Eddy's arms wrap around him, Eddy's hands pat him on his back.

Eddy used the rim of the hoody to wipe Brett's tears. Brett stammered;

"Eddy.. Your.. your hoody.. it's getting wet with my tears.."

"It's okay, I don't mind Brett. But if you do, I'll wash it first thing in the morning. Not because it needs a wash.. but I will launder it anyway, okay? I promise."

Brett nodded.



"Can I stay here tonight?"

Eddy froze momentarily then tightened his embrace.

"Um, f*ck, yeah? I.. I'd love you to."



" I.. I just thought of something."


"Yeah. ..I think we can be in the same bed ...without me freaking out.. if I'm wearing this.. and if you don't mind lending me a pair of your.. oversized track pants as well.."

Eddy looked at Brett in surprise, then grinned from ear to ear.

"Brett, you're a f*ckin' genius. And.. and lucky me, I'm gonna get to see something so f*ckin' adorable."

Brett looked up at Eddy, confused.

"..You are..?"

Eddy wriggled his eyebrows.

"Are you kidding? F*ck yeah. It would be the-taller-boyfriend's-dream-come-true."

Brett furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Eddy in confusion.

Eddy kept grinning and wriggling his eyebrows.

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