11. Twoset Pre-Gloved: Kissed

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"It started with a kiss."

Eddy's eyes widened.

"W, what?"

Brett stopped and stared at Eddy. The two sat on the small 2 seater couch in Eddy's dorm room. Brett eyed Eddy anxiously.

"Eddy.. Are you sure you're ready to hear this?"

Eddy furrowed his brows.

"You? ..Kissed ..someone?"

"This was of course all before.. y'know, before I ended up like this.. Before I had to wear these..."

Brett raised his hands to show Eddy his gloves.

"Oh.. okay. Of course."

"And...um.. well, he kissed me first."

Eddy's eyes shot open again.

"HE? W, when was this?"

"I was.. 12."


"He was twelve, too. It was all very innocent. We.. were best friends and he had developed a crush on me. And one day it... just happened. And after that, we were just curious and so we just kept experimenting."

Brett blinked in confusion.

"Brett..? Was that.. okay?"

Brett widened his eyes in confusion.

"D, Duncan..? W, what did you do that for?"

"I.. I dunno. I.. I guess I.. like you, Brett. Like, I.. I've always really liked you and I've always wondered what it'd be like to kiss you."


"So.. was that.. okay?"

Brett furrowed his brows in deep thought.

"Um.. yeah, it was.. actually okay.."

"..Really? So you don't mind that I like you?"

Brett shook his head as he stammered.

"N, no.. why would I? We're best friends. I've always liked you, too."

"But it's not a I like you as a friend kinda like, you know.."

Brett nodded.

"Yeah, I get that. It's more than that, right? It's been more than that for me, too."

Then he smiled. He had the most gorgeous smile. I remember thinking that when I saw how he responded to my words.

I remember what happened after that, how my heart simply melted when I saw that smile. I remember how it felt in my heart. I also remember how cute I thought he was, the look in his eyes, his smile, his very shy smile, how he blushed, how he hesitated as he gingerly reached out to me again and pulled me in for another hug, how he gently pressed his lips against my cheek and pecked along my jawline till he reached my lips and kissed me again.

I felt the happiest in my life. I didn't know I could feel that happy, I thought my heart was gonna burst with happiness.

From that day onwards we would hang out together all the time. We'd find quiet spots in parks or moments in our bedrooms and we'd kiss and cuddle. That's all, we just wanted to experiment with expressing our affection towards each other. I didn't care that Duncan was a boy. I liked him as a friend and I loved him as a person. We were only twelve but we knew what we wanted, we just wanted our bodies and souls to feel close. I just wanted to enjoy the touch and texture of my.. boyfriend. How soft his skin and lips were.

It was the best summer holiday I had. Forty days of elation, being in love and feeling loved.

Then the new school year started.

The moment I stepped into my classroom, I sensed something wasn't right.

None of my peers let their eyes meet mine. They would not speak to me, they ignored me completely.

And Duncan had not returned to school. His absence concerned me. Then it scared me.

At the end of school that day, I rushed home. As soon as I entered the front door I called out;

"Nanny Meagan?! My friend Duncan, he wasn't at sch.."

"Brett! Are you okay?"

Meagan was my nanny since I was 2. She had been my carer, tutor and friend for 10 years. At least I thought she was, till that moment in time.

She came running to the front door and hugged me. She hugged me often but that day she seemed rushed and anxious.

"Brett, are you okay? You weren't bothered anymore were you?"

"Bothered? What do you mean bothered?"

"That boy.. he hasn't bothered you at school, has he? Don't you worry now Brett, that boy's father works for your father. I spoke to President Yang and made sure he took care of it."

"Took.. .care.. of..it...?"

"Yes. That boy. For taking advantage of you."


Nanny Meagan shuddered as she squeezed Brett.

"What he had done to you was so filthy and disgusting...!"

"What..? Nanny Meagan.. I.. I don't understand. What happened to Duncan's father? What happened to Duncan..?!"

Duncan's absence from school was now terrifying me.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that. I have your father's trust in my knowing what is best for you. As I said, it's all been taken care of. The family has been transferred to Perth."


Brett pushed himself out of Meagan's embrace and ran as fast as he could to Duncan's house.

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