14. Twoset De-Gloved: De-what!?

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A/N: Sorry it took so long.


Brett blushed as he stammered.

"Sh*t, ..ugh, this is actually.. much more embarrassing than.. what I initially thought it might be."

Eddy grinned and hummed.

"Not for me it's not. This is f*ckin' fantastic. It's just gonna be so great. I can feel it already."

Brett rolled his eyes.

Eddy smiled as he peered into Brett's face.

"Oh c'mon Brett, you're not gonna deprive me of my taller-boyfriend's-ultimate-dream-fantasy-come-true, are you?."

Brett cringed.

"Oh my god, Eddy did you just make the bloody title longer!?

Eddy chuckled.

"Yeah.. I just couldn't help myself."

"Ugh.. I'm now tempted to change my mind.. and just forget about the whole thing..."

Eddy turned towards Brett;

"Whaaaaat..? Change your mind? Forget about the whole thing??"


Eddy dropped his shoulders and sulked.

"I.. I must say I would be terribly disappointed.. I might even start crying, if you've change your mind.. Oh Brett, I was so looking forward to seeing this."

Brett rolled his eyes.

"Oh damnit Eddy. Fine. Gimme that."

Eddy immediately grinned again as he held out a pair of his tracksuit pants and Brett snatched it.

Brett sat cross-legged on Eddy's double bed as he shyly tugged on the elastic around the ankles of the excessively long tracksuit pants.

"Brett, lemme do that. Stretch your legs out."

Brett obliged and sat with his legs extended out in front of him on the bed and Eddy pulled the elastic around Brett's ankles and was easily able to stretch out the length of the pants further to cover up Brett's feet.

Eddy looked up into Brett's eyes and grinned.

"Hey.. don't little babies have outfits like this?"

Brett started kicking his legs.

"Oh shut the f*ck up Eddy."

Eddy giggled.

"But this is good, right?  Cos if anything, this makes you look so much cuter than wearing boring ol' socks to bed."

Brett face-planted himself with the palm of his hand to cover his blushing face. He groaned.

"Oh my god Eddy, must you..."

Eddy grinned and chuckled.

"I'm sorry Brett, I just can't seem to help myself. Oh please don't pout. Let's get ready to sleep, hey?"



"I'm sorry for being a pain in the ass."


The bedroom was dark and they couldn't see each other but Eddy knew Brett laid next to him in his bed, dressed in his oversized hoody and tracksuit pants. Brett's hand, gloved, was held in Eddy's hand.

"Why would you say that, Brett. You're not being a pain in the.."

"The gloves are a pain in the ass.. I've wished I could stop wearing them and just hold hands with you directly or borrow your pen without feeling guilty..  And having to wear your hoody and trackies, just so that I can lie down next to you.. I mean, don't get me wrong, they're nice to wear and.. totally worth it... but I can't help but think it is such a pain in the ass.. I just wish we could just do this sort of stuff.. without gloves.. or whatever else.. and not have to worry about me freaking out.."

Eddy gingerly spoke;

"Well, Brett.. would you then.. let me help you.. PrAcTiCe?"


"Y'know, can we try... removing your gloves and holding hands..?"

"W, what..? You mean.. directly?"

Brett tried to pull his hand away but Eddy was quicker in squeezing Brett's gloved hand.

"Brett, you don't have to pull your hand away. I would never initiate anything without your permission."

"I.. I know. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. So.. can I?"

"I.. I dunno."

"Just tell me to stop when you want me to."

Brett flinched when he felt Eddy's hand move up from holding his hand to holding his wrist. Brett felt a couple of Eddy's fingers make their way into his glove, Eddy's fingertips gently touching the palm of Brett's hand.

"N..no.. I.. I don't think.."

Eddy's fingers stopped.

"Okay.. so.. can I instead try touching the back of your hand?"

"Y, yeah."


This time Brett felt Eddy's fingers enter his glove from the other side and he felt Eddy's fingertips gently brush against the back of his hand.

"..So.. can I remove this?"

Brett felt Eddy tug on the opening of the glove.

"Um.. yeah. Okay."

Brett was already so flustered just thinking about what was about to happen. He had perspired so much in the gloves, he thought the thing would just stick to his hand and never come off but after he felt the glove being tugged a few times, he noticed it was sliding off much easier than he thought, gradually making its way off his hand. Brett closed his eyes whilst the glove was slowly being removed and when Eddy had completely taken it off, Brett's eyes widened as his nervousness intensified.  In fact, as soon as the glove was removed, Brett quickly clenched his bare hand into a fist as it rest on the bed in between his and Eddy's body.

"Ah, there it is."

Brett heard Eddy's voice, then felt Eddy's hand slide underneath his fist, so that Brett's clenched hand was now resting on the taller's very warm palm.

"Open your hand up for me when you're ready, yeah?"

Brett was too nervous to give an answer.

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